  • 學位論文


The Deterioration of Driving Under the Influence - A Review of Driving Under the Influence on Criminal Code 2013

指導教授 : 徐偉群


近年來,酒醉駕車的重大案件屢次發生,成為了社會大眾所撻伐的行為,因此多數社會民意認為不能安全駕駛罪是否處罰過輕,無從嚇阻犯罪造成許多因酒醉而撞死人的悲劇屢屢發生,故刑法第一百八十五條之三也因而開始進行修正。   本研究論文透過國內、日本相關文獻的蒐集與整理,以及司法判決統計作驗證,因此開頭以歷次修法過程,去探討立法及修法之目的為何,接著再分成危險犯、主觀構成要件以及加重結果犯等三個層次,透過學理間對此相關之討論,進而去評析我國新修正之不能安全駕駛罪妥適性。   透過前揭爭議討論後,可以發現立法者為了要快速回應社會的需求,選擇以刑法提前介入並嚴懲罪犯,讓人民的不安感得以緩和,固然有其正當目的存在,但是未能釐清本罪真正本質,就無法制定出合於本罪之適用目的,也才會產生此般「削足適履」的修法,不僅無法完全掌握不能安全駕駛罪的罪責本質所在,也勢必將影響現有刑法體系間的問題產生。再者,我們透過司法實務統計的結果觀察,會發現目前的量刑皆偏輕,與立法重刑化的思想顯有不符,造成兩者間在認知上大相逕庭,且基於預防思想而一味的提高刑責,是否真能有效嚇阻犯罪發生,或者只是單純呼應人民情緒的修法,本研究論文認為這些都是立法者在本次修法所產生的許多問題,從而發現本次修法後仍有許多問題不僅未獲得解決,可能仍造成更多問題發生。   在透過重新認知不能安全駕駛罪本質下,本研究論文試圖去釐清不能安全駕駛罪的相關適用爭議,就本罪之危險犯爭議、主觀故意的認定、過失犯是否有立法處罰之必要、加重結果犯規定等予以研究與討論,藉此尋求對本罪較為妥適的解釋,再以現行實務現況進一步對現行法採取重刑化的作法進行檢討,最後對現行法條文所造成的解釋學困境提出實質修法建議。


In Taiwan, drunk driving has incurred criticism by public because of the penalty was so trifling a deterrent to drunk drivers’ behaviors. Drunk driving accident still happened often. So, Taiwanese Criminal Code §185-3 had started to adjust to suit Taiwanese public trend. To start with, this thesis introduced the amending process of Criminal Code §185-3, and discussed the reason why legislator what to adjust this regulation. Then, in order to criticize the adequacy of the new criminal code §185-3, this thesis distinguished the level of dangerous crime, subjective elements of illegal and aggravated resulting crime by the discussion of different theories. Through the debate of different perspectives, we find out that legislators used criminal penalty as a way to punish criminals was reasonable. But, if legislator could not understand the intrinsic character of drunk driving, they would not make a law which is suitable for the purpose of against drunk driving. Our criminal code not only would not control the intrinsic character of the crime of driving under the influence, but also lead to some problems to affect the existing criminal code. According to the statistic of the legal cases, we found that the average of criminal penalty now is so light and so different to the thought of aggravated crime. Besides, does it necessary to adjust the regulation by increasing the criminal penalty to prevent the drunk driving accidents? Or it just a amendment to respond people’s wishes. As a result, this thesis thought that legislators did not resolve those problems by this amendment as well as caused more disputations. In conclusion, this thesis tried to figure out the relative controversy of DUI by recognizing the dangerous crime, subjective elements of illegal and aggravated resulting crime. And discussing whether it needs to be regulate as a criminal penalty and the aggregated consequential offence by related research. Trying to find out a much proper definition to the crime of driving under the influence, and review currently aggravated process in practical process. Final, this thesis wants to provide a practical recommendation for future legislative amendment.


黃榮堅,2011 年刑事法發展回顧:法律說詞與說詞之外,台大法學論叢,第41卷特刊,頁1537-1574(2012)。


劉進平(2005)。高中職校軍訓教官休閒參與動機與休閒阻礙之探討-台中縣 (市)、彰化縣、南投縣為例〔碩士論文,亞洲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0118-0807200916281206
