  • 學位論文


The Key Factors of Channel Distributions Selection-Take Company D which Produces Industrial Automation Products as an Example

指導教授 : 胡宜中


製造業是一國的經濟支柱之一,而提供製造業生產設備零組件的廠商與之息息相關。台灣工業自動化零組件市場每年規模約莫五百億新台幣,於2009年金融海嘯前市場規模更高達八百億水準,於此龐大商機下,外商、台商乃至於陸商前後紛紛進入這一塊曾經為藍海屬於低度競爭的領域。 D公司在工業自動化領域深耕十來年,一路從單一產品線涉略到多產品線之零組件開發、製造,銷售策略也由零組件單品販售型態轉攻高市場占比之整體解決方案,在台灣區工業自動化零組件市場已占有一席之地。鑒於銷售型態的改變與單品市場的成長趨緩所致,近年來經銷商的銷售業績已難達成製造商所期許之目標,使得製造商進一步建立評選機制,檢視與評選通路合作夥伴。 通路管理是公司營運重要的一環,通路掌握是企業經營成功的關鍵因素。本研究目的希望藉由製造商與經銷商共同成長的環境背景下,將支援最大化、效益化,協助經銷商達成組織期許的營業額倍數成長目標,進而審視經銷商所欠缺與極需改善的指標。 藉由文獻回顧與德爾菲法應用建立本研究架構,並以決策實驗室法為基礎的網路分析程序法對專家施測,找出通路經銷商評選之關鍵因素,與關鍵因素間之因果關係。研究結果顯示,D公司通路經銷商評選之六項關鍵因素為市場拓展能力、產業客戶關係、團隊經營能力、合作意願、售後服務能力、技術能力與行業經驗。就績效表現,顯示經銷商極需改善的指標有市場拓展能力、產業客戶關係與團隊經營能力。結合決策實驗室法的因果圖,顯示經銷商可從改善團隊經營能力開始,使極需改善指標之績效進而有所提升。此外,使用的決策技術對D公司而言,提供了通路經銷商評選關鍵因素與經銷商改善績效方法,在實務上有其重要貢獻。


Manufacturing Industry, one of the mainstays of a country’s economy, is closely bound up with manufacturers producing equipment components. In Taiwan, the economic scale of industrial automation equipment components market is around 50 billion New Taiwan Dollars annually; furthermore, it was even higher to be 80 billion New Taiwan Dollars before the financial Tsunami in 2009. As a result of the massive business opportunity, international, Taiwan and mainland China enterprises have been in succession to invest in the industry, once considered as Blue Ocean, a low competitive area. The D company, which has invested in the Industrial Automation industry for 10 years, which development and manufacturing of equipment components were from single product line to multiple ones and which marketing strategies have changed from single product sale to overall solutions of high market share, has earned a place in the Industrial Automation Components industry in Taiwan. On account of the changed sales pattern and gradually slowly developed single product market, in the recent years, the sale performance of dealers has had difficulty in achieving the target goal of manufacturers that makes the manufacturers establish further selecting mechanism to examine and select channel cooperative partners. Channel Management is an important part in a company’s business operations and Channel control is the crucial factor for a successful enterprise. The study purpose was that under the background which both the manufacturers and dealers thrive in the same environment to make support maximized and effective, to assist the dealers to achieve the goal having more than doubled revenue; furthermore, to review what the dealers lack and are required to improve.By literature reviews and the Delphi method, the research structure was established and the specialists were tested by the Analytic Network Process (ANP) on the basis of the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) to find out the key factors selected by the channel dealers and the cause –effect relation of the key factors. The research showed that six key factors selected by the dealers of D company are competence in market expansion, customer relationships, team management, willingness to cooperate, after-sales service, technologies and business operation experience. As far as the performance was concerned, the result showed that the key factors for the dealers to improve are competence in market expansion, customer relationships and team management. The Cause & Effect Diagram of DEMATEL showed that to improve the team management ability could be a start for the dealers to rise up the performance. In addition, for the D company, the applied decision –making technology provided the key factors for the dealers to select and the methods to improve performance that make important contribution in practice.


Chang, S., Pu, C.-Y., Hsieh, P.-J., 2014, A Regional Competition Analysis of Medical Tourism Industry-an Example of Taiwan, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, vol.25, no.2, pp.139-156.
