  • 學位論文


Tea culture research and design of infographic

指導教授 : 林昆範


自古以來東方茶文化的魅力始終不減,自17世紀茶葉傳入西方國家後,更是發展出多元且豐富的飲茶文化。時至今日,觀光及博物館展覽會使用大量的資訊圖像來介紹或引導,讓大眾可以簡單明瞭的吸收所要傳遞的知識,而一般的資訊圖像設計是在閱讀距離25cm內能夠清楚閱讀,超過這個範圍就會造成閱讀上的困難,本研究希冀能設計一款1~2m外可清楚閱讀的資訊圖像,帶領大眾更簡單的進入茶的世界。 本研究確立研究方向後,針對品牌意象、空間氛圍、室內空間設計、展覽動線還有資訊圖像展示內容作為探討依據,最後以「遊山茶訪」、「茶山房」、「茶具文物館」、「廖鄉長紅茶」,四個在國內外經營成熟的文化展示空間。透過分析和探討每個品牌如何營造文化氛圍空間、如何設計其資訊圖像內容、有無鏈結其品牌概念和視覺形象、整體形象和品牌調性是否一致,其中最主要還是針對資訊圖像的部分作較深入的分析。結合上述的國內外優秀案例,透過分析後,保留案例的優秀面納入未來設計資訊圖像參考的依據,將待改善的部分也進行調整,將各項優點創造出自己的資訊圖像,符合品牌意象、兼具視覺美感、傳遞知識及文化的美感視覺化資訊圖像。


品牌 觀光 資訊圖像 華夏茶文化


Since ancient times, with the influence of the imported tea from the Western countries date back to the 17th century, the charm of the oriental tea culture has not diminished but has developed into a diverse and a rich one. Today, museum and exhibitions use a lot of info graphics to introduce and guide the public to concisely absorb the delivering message. Generally, information graphic is designed to be within the reading distance of 25cm in order to be read clearly. Distance that is greater than this limiting distance will cause difficulties in reading. In this study, the purpose is to design a 1 ~ 2m away image information view range that can be readable, which easily leads the world into the tea culture. The direction established in this study focuses on the four existing and mature global culture exhibition: the "Yu Shan Tea House", "Dasan room", "Museum of Tea Ware", and "Liaoxiang Zhang tea". For each business, topics on brand image, space atmosphere, interior design, exhibition moving lines, and most importantly the contents of the information graphic are analyzed and discussed: how each case create a culture of space, design their IT image content, with or without links its brand concept and visual image, the overall tone of the brand image and consistency. After comparing and contrasting, the outstanding excellence and improved flaws from these cases can be used as a reference for future info graphic design. By combining existing features, self-creation, and adjustment this paper designs a more readable info graphic in line with the brand imagery, both visual beauty, the beauty of knowledge transfer and cultural information visualization images.


Infographic Sightseeing Brand Orientaltea culture


Liu Tong (2010),《CHINESE TEA - A Cultural History and Drinking Guide》,China Intercontinental Press.


