  • 學位論文


On the Material and Data Access Policy of Taiwan Biobank: based on the experience from UK Biobank

指導教授 : 李崇僖


自冰島開始至英國等國展開基因人體生物資料庫的建置,而台灣也自2005年開始,由行政院委託中央研究院生物醫學研究所進行的一連串的研究計劃一「台灣人體生物資料庫」規劃。台灣人體生物資料庫藉由廣泛收集大量的生物檢體及數據資料,希望有效將資料提供於各方研究單位,促進醫學研究、以對疾病致病原因研究有進一步的發展。 基因與疾病的緊密關聯,促使人體生物資料庫蓬勃發展,然而大規模招、收集、儲存生物檢體及數據資料後,該如何有效利用、正確使用,成為人體生物資料庫發展的下一個重大課題。 資料釋出的政策規劃,對於收集資料的研究人員或是資料庫本身,具有莫大影響力,因此生物資料庫該如何在促進資料檢體的有效利用、及保護研究人員努力成果中找到平衡,便是一大挑戰。英國生物資料庫(UK Biobank)自2012年起開始提供外部研究單位使用,並藉由資料移轉契約(Material Transfer Agreement)的簽署,來落實其資料釋出政策及關於智慧財產權的保護。 在我國人體生物資料趨近完成之際,資料釋出政策的擬定將會對國人有深遠的影響。本文欲藉由對英國生物銀行的成立目的、背景及政策進行了解,並進一步研究其資料移轉契約,借其經驗,參佐我國之需求、現行相關規範及目前常用之生物材料移轉契約,對於我國資料移轉契約之設計,提供初步的概想,盼未來台灣人體生物資料庫在提供研究者使用資料之際,能有所參考。


The establishment of Biobank started from Iceland and has expanded to many countries including United Kingdom and Taiwan. Since 2005, Executive Yuan of Taiwan has authorized Institute of Boimedical Sciences department in Academia Sincia to administer a series of researches for Taiwan Biobank plan. Taiwan Biobank expects through collecting a large amount of biological samples and data, this information can be distributed efficiently to all the research originations for advancing medical research and pathogenesis research. The tight connection of disease and gene has boosted the establishment and improvement of biobanks. However, there is a critical question have to be answered is designing of an appropriate data releaseing policy after all the recruitment, collection, storeage process of biobank’s material. The release policy will have great impact to the biobank and the researchers involved, especially the society. It is an undoubtble challenge to balance the proper protection of the results of researchers and facility and the promotion of effeciant utilization of biobank’s data and material. Since 2012, UK Biobank has started to release its material throught Material Transfer Agreement. Based on MTA, UK Biobank will be able to implement its material management and sharing policy in advance. Due to the potential impact on society, this thesis would like to provide the general concept for the future establishment of Material Transfer Agreement to Taiwan Biobank though the understanding of the UK Biobank’s perpose, background, and releasing policy.


林昀嫺,生醫材料移轉之契約、法律與倫理議題-以美國經驗為借鑒,臺北大學法學論叢,第八十一期 ,頁231-274(2012)。


