  • 學位論文


Application of game theory for selecting and assigning suppliers

指導教授 : 黃惠民


為了加強企業本身以及供應鏈整體的競爭力,企業除了本身內部的控管,企業對於供應商的選擇也日趨重要。企業都有一套自己供應商的遴選標準,透過一定的遴選模式,讓企業可以有一定的標準,提供決策者作適當的決策判斷。然而在眾多的研究探討中,供應商的評選往往顧及本身的利益,由己方的利益為出發點,卻未考量對方的利益與想法,造成於實際上無法形成共識,降低了遴選模式的效益。 故本研究將探討整合供應鏈管理、供應商遴選模式,為符合現實情況,將賽局理論一併納入考量,提出一個雙贏供應商評選模式,建構一個兩階段的賽局模型。第一階段將「製造商」和「供應商」的互動行為建構為一個雙人非合作賽局,在每一個賽局的納許均衡策略期望報酬值,作為供應商的評分值。第二階段為每一製程的合作賽局,利用第一階段的供應商的評分值,計算出每一項製程中的供應商的訂單分配比例,以供決策者作更正確的判斷。建構出一條最佳供應商所組成的供應鏈,後續藉由數值範例,與敏感度分析驗證本研究模型之有效性。


To strengthen the enterprise and the overall competitiveness of the supply chain, the supplier selection process becomes increasingly important. Most enterprises have their own supplier selection criteria; company has a certain standard which helps to provide decision-makers to take appropriate decision. However, many previous researches investigated the supplier selection process based on one’s own interest as a starting point while disregarding ideas and opinions from the others. In this study, we examine the integration of supply chain management and propose a supplier selection model by using Game Theory. Firstly, we construct an interactive behavior with the manufacturer and the supplier as double non-cooperative game; we then use the expected return value in the Nash Equilibrium strategies of each game as the scores for the suppliers. Secondly, we consider a cooperative game process; then we use the supplier rating value come from the first stage to calculate the distribution ratio of orders for every process. The process allows us to select the most appropriate suppliers and suggest a fair distribution of order allocation. Numerical examples and the sensitivity analysis of the model are provided to verify the validity of our findings.


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