  • 學位論文


Study and Build the Intelligent Experimental Bicycle-Platform

指導教授 : 吳章銘


本論文目的是發展建置一套自行車有氧運動紀錄與體能評估之智慧型平台系統,此平台可用於自行車騎乘時,進行檢測心臟跳動量、自行車踩動的速度、運動時間與運動強度等。 有氧運動之運動強度可以藉由自行車踩動的速度及偵測心臟跳動量進行檢測;運動強度的數據目的,簡單的來說,就是為了避免運動的激烈,一般運動強度適合範圍數值是60%~80%為宜。根據美國運動醫學會以及美國心臟學會最新運動建議指出,有氧運動的持續運動時間至少要20分鐘到60分鐘為宜;本論文所建置之自行車實驗平台,可偵測運動者的運動強度,提供給運動者建議,可讓騎乘自行車運動之運動強度數據化,也可提供給研究者研究數據。 本研究平台系統採用新唐科技所開發生產的ARM Cortex-M0微控制晶片為核心,以偵測轉速感測器、監測心跳感測器、控制藍芽傳輸等功能,藉由藍芽無線傳輸感測值,顯示於Android手機應用程式介面,透過藍芽傳輸所接收到測量值,以每10秒為一單位,來紀錄一組運動數據,並以系統科學化的人機介面呈現數據給騎乘運動者,來評估個人運動量與體能現況,此舉可以達到長期體能訓練與健康管理之應用價值。




This paper is to develop an intelligent experimental bicycle- platform which records the exercising data and evaluates the aerobics exercise status. This platform can use to detect the amount of the heartbeats, bike pedal speed, exercise time, and exercise intensity. Intensity of the aerobics exercise can be obtained by the heartbeats with cycling pedaling speed. The recording data of intensity is used to avoid the intense exercise. Generally, the best range of values is 60%~80% to be appropriate. According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that the appropriate duration of the aerobics exercise is from 20 minutes to 60 minutes. In our bike experimental platform will report the exercise intensity and provide the recommendations to the users. The detecting data of the platform also provides to study. The building platform uses the ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller of the Nuvoton. It combines and controls the speed sensors, heart rate monitor sensors, and the Bluetooth transmission. The data will show on the cell phone interface of the Android system. It records the sport data per 10 seconds on the human-machine interface system. The rider will get the suggestion of the personal exercise and physical status. Keyword: bicycle, exercise intensity, sensor.




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