  • 學位論文


Taiwan chocolate drink takeaway shop VI Design

指導教授 : 黃文宗 程萬里


近年來越來越多研究證實巧克力對於對於日常生活中的好處。隨著現代生活習慣變化,人手一杯外帶飲品已習以為常。台灣外帶飲品店蓬勃發展,其歷史可追朔於1925年日治時代玻璃瓶裝彈珠汽水的出現,時至1990年代自動封口機的引進,使得台灣外帶飲料業蓬勃發展,此後由「小歇」開始,眾多外帶飲品店如雨後春筍般陸續展開。 本研究以具有悠久歷史的外帶飲料產業為主,根據2013年TrendGo+全國意向顧問調查網的調查結果-近年來越來越多國人飲用巧克力,及 2014年mySurvey線上問卷調查網〈民眾對於市面上飲料店品牌認知度〉調查結果前三名:五十嵐、清心福全、清玉為依據作為個案分析案例。 經由分析結果發現現有成功之外帶飲料店皆有一套完整的視覺識別系統,且較多飲料店品牌標誌皆以圖像結合文字作為主要表現方式。而經由「意象圖」分析顯示現有外帶飲料店之品牌標誌多位於「冷色調—感性」區域,色彩計畫則參考「全球十大巧克力品牌」之標誌設計分析,結果多平均分佈於理性—感性區域,色調多為中性色調。為與現有市場做出區別,此創作最後以偏向「理性-暖色調」區塊之中性色調為設計概念,創作出一套以"Chocolater"為名之外帶巧克力專飲店之品牌視覺識別系統設計。 關鍵字:巧克力、可可、外帶飲料店


Recently, more and more studies confirmed that chocolate indeed benefits human health. It has been a Taiwanese life style to drink packed beverage, and this habit could be dated back to the Japanese colonial era in 1925. Until 1990 automatic sealing machine was introduced, packed beverage industry in Taiwan has become to be even more flourish. As a result, the so-called "Xiaoxie - a small soft drink shop/store, " started, packed beverage stores have sprung up since. According to the results of 2013 TrendGo + National intention consultants survey, it showed more and more people are drinking chocolate in recent years. I select top 3 brands as my case studies that found in 2014 mySurvey online questionnaire on "Beverage brand awareness". Summary of research findings, the successful drink packed beverage logo usually combined with images and text in a complete visual identification system. The "Image Map Analysis" shows that most of the drink packed beverage located in" cool-emotional " colors region. According to the " Top ten brands of chocolate in the word" shows most logos are neutral tones and evenly distributed in the rational-emotional colors region. In order to make a difference of the market, I named the brand of my drink packed beverage as "Chocolater". As my study, I build a "rational-warm" color system in neutral tones to create a special "brand visual recognition system" and exhibit in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. Key words: chocolate, cocoa, take away shop, take away store


take away shop take away store chocolate cocoa


李文豪(2014年5~6月),可可栽培,鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所熱帶果樹系,園藝之友 第163期
