  • 學位論文


On (3,1)-Total Labeling of Cactus Graphs

指導教授 : 史青林


令G是一個圖。一個G的(p,1)-全標號是一個函數,指定整數到G的各個邊和點,使得G的任何相鄰點是不同的數字,G的任何相鄰邊是不同的數字,且一個點和它的相鄰邊之差的絕對值至少p。全標號的跨度是指兩個標號之間最大的差值。G的全標號中最小的跨度就是G的(p,1)-全標數,符號寫作λ_p^T(G)。一個仙人掌圖是一個每塊區塊都是邊或圈的連通圖。 在本篇論文中,我們將研究的重點鎖定在有限個圈交於共同點的這一類仙人掌圖的(3,1)-全標號並證明任一個屬於這一類的仙人掌圖G,它的(3,1)-全標數等於Δ+2,其中Δ是G的最大度。


仙人掌圖 全標號


Let G be a graph. A (p,1)-total labeling of G is an assignment of integers to each vertex and edge of G such that any adjacent vertices of G are labeled with distinct integers, any adjacent edges of G are labeled with distinct integers and a vertex and its incident edge receive integers that differ by at least p in absolute value. The span of a (p,1)-total labeling of G is the maximum difference between two labels. The minimum span of (p,1)-total labeling of G is called the (p,1)-total number and denote by λ_p^T(G). A cactus graph is a connected graph in which every block is either edge or a cycle. In this thesis, we focus on the (3,1)-total labeling for the class of cactus graphs containing finite cycles joined with a common cut-vertex and show that for any cactus graph G in this class, λ_3^T(G)=Δ+2 where Δ is the maximum degree of G.


cactus graph total labeling


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