  • 學位論文


A Strategic Group Analysis of the Tourist Hotel Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


中文摘要 近年來,隨著旅遊風氣盛行,「觀光旅館產業」已成為一個最具社會經濟指標的產業。在觀光旅館產業中,部分不同企業所形成「策略群組」(Strategic Group) 的現象,雖然群組間的企業會呈現出不同的樣貌、採取不同的策略,但這些群組內的競爭者才可能是各企業在分析競爭態勢、研擬競爭策略時的重點對象。換言之,策略群組分析的重要貢獻就在於提供業者了解產業競爭之結構及發展有效策略的方法。 本研究的目的有四項,分別為探討台灣觀光旅館產業之現況、分析產業中企業競爭關係與策略群組構面、從靜態結構及動態發展分析的兩種觀點來探討產業中的策略群組,最後再針對產業中各策略群組之個別企業進行分析與說明。在理論基礎上,本研究根據「結構-行為-績效」(Structure-Conduct-Performance; S-C-P)模型的內容,從文獻回顧中歸納出觀念性架構,並透過「台灣經濟新報資料庫(TEJ)」收集整理出所需的十個策略變數,運用合圖(Common plot; Co-plot)分析法篩選出四個策略變數(依平均相關係數及疏離係數選出市場占有率、營業費用率、營業毛利率,及本期稅後淨利率),並建立修正後的研究架構。再根據此四個變數收集2001至2011年之台灣觀光旅館產業之數據資料,繪製出本產業各個不同之策略群組,以及各個策略群組的動態變化狀況與企業發展路徑。 在本研究的台灣觀光旅館產業中,計分析有萬企、華園、華國、國賓、六福、第一店、晶華、夏都、F-美食、王品、新天地等十一家上市企業(在分析期間有廠商退出與加入)。從各年度的策略群組結構分析中,各企業可得知真正的競爭對手及其表現,例如2001年時,華國、六福、晶華及新天地同屬一策略群組,到了2011年,只剩六福及晶華仍在同一策略群組中。另從多年期的策略群組動態分析中,則可得知各個群組的變化與企業發展的路徑,例如王品自2008年上市後的發展軌跡,是09年的小幅下滑,但到10年時開始在稅後淨利上大幅改善,更在11年時併同大幅增加了其市場占有率,其策略發展路徑清楚且正確。本研究的發現與結果,期望能提供台灣觀光旅館產業業者做為訂定競爭策略時之參考,找出各自的競爭位置並規劃未來發展。


Abstract In recent years, following by the booming traveling phenomenon, tourist hotel industry has become one of the most distinctive indicators to represent societal economy. Among hotels, although each enterprise forms its own strategies and presents diverse outlook, the severe competition appears in these strategic groups rather than from all the other enterprises. In other words, strategic group analysis dedicates the approach to offer practitioners’ understanding of the structure and development in industrial competition. This research aims at four purposes: describe the current situation of Taiwan’s tourist hotel industry; discuss the competitive relationship between enterprises and strategic group dimensions; analyze two perspectives of industrial strategic group- on static structure as well as dynamic development. Finally, we will analyze and interpret the strategic group and specific enterprises respectively. Theoretically, this research bases on Structure-Conduct-Performance (S-C-P) model to initiate a conceptual framework from literature review. We collect ten strategic variables from Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) and apply Common Plot (Co-plot) analysis to pick out four strategic variables (market share, operating expense ratio, gross profit ratio and net after-tax profit margin according to two criteria- average correlation coefficient and coefficient of alienation), and then work out a modified research framework after amendment. We then congregate the data of Taiwan tourist hotels from 2001 to 2011 based on these four strategic variables. This research identifies different strategic groups of hotel industry, and visualizes dynamic changes of each strategic group as well as enterprises’ developing path. There are around eleven public held companies as research subjects, including Arch-world, Holiday Garden, Imperial Hotel, Ambassador, Leo Foo, First Hotel, Regent, Chateau, Gourmet, Wang Steak, New Palace and so on (company quits and joins during the observation period). From annual structural analysis on strategic group, each enterprise gets to know their actual competitors’ performance better. For example, in 2001, Imperial Hotel, Leo Foo, Regent and New Palace belong to the same strategic group, but till 2011, Leo Foo and Regent are the only two enterprises that are staying in the group. Furthermore, through a long-term dynamic analysis on strategic group, we are able to learn each group’s change and enterprise’s developing path. For instance, Wang Steak shows a slight downgrade in 2009 after becoming a listed company in 2008, but it begins to improve its net after-tax profit from 2010. In 2011, it increases its market share significantly. The strategy and developing path of Wang Steak is clear and correct. The findings and outcomes of this research aim to provide the practitioners of Taiwan tourist hotel industry as references when formulating their competitive strategy, and figuring out their advantages and planning for the future development.


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