  • 學位論文


Children's Interpersonal Conflict Processing: The Effects of Cues and Emotion on Goal Setting

指導教授 : 王琳


在人際生活中,兒童時常會為了爭執物起衝突。由社會訊息處理論得知,個體設定的目標是受到訊息解釋的影響。在衝突中個體如何解釋雙方對立衝突的訊息,會影響個體設定什麼樣的目標。然而,在雙方對立的衝突中,時常會引起個體的生氣情緒。本研究的目的是探討在衝突解決的過程中,除了個體對衝突訊息解釋的認知歷程外,將一併了解生氣情緒會如何影響個體所設定的解決目標。因此,本研究除了驗證衝突解決中,個體對訊息的解釋會影響目標的設定外,同時假設個體在衝突中的生氣情緒與訊息解釋對於目標設定有直接及間接影響。 受試者是中壢市公立小學192位三年級的學童、195位五年級的學童參與本研究,有效問卷387份。本研究利用「兒童衝突解決歷程問卷」中的衝突故事情境,呈現四個衝突解決目標、四個訊息解釋。受試者要去評估,如果自己是故事主角,會如何選擇解決目標與訊息解釋的優先順序,並且以五點量表的方式測量受試者的生氣情緒。最後以無母數統計的費里曼二因子等級變異數分析、路徑分析等方法進行資料的分析。 研究結果支持假設,即在衝突中個體對訊息的解釋會影響目標的設定。結果發現,在衝突情境中,當個體對於雙方對立行為的原因,解釋為自己對爭執物的需求時,個體會優先設定取回爭執物的目標;當個體對於雙方對立行為的原因,解釋為對方對爭執物的需求時,則會優先設定將爭執物讓給對方的目標;而當個體解釋對方意圖是敵意時,則會優先設定報復對方、取回爭執物、及將爭執物讓給對方的目標;當個體解釋對方意圖是想要和自己友善的互動時,則會優先設定和對方維持關係的目標。 在本研究的結果中還發現了性別的差異,即令男生和女生在衝突解釋的過程中,對於衝突訊息有著相同的解釋,女生比男生仍然較在意人際關係,處理衝突的方式比較緩和,較能符合社會的期待。 在年齡差異上,發現三年級和五年級的孩子在解釋雙方對立行為的原因是對方對爭執物有需求時,所設定的目標有所不同。五年級的孩子能在知道對方想要得到爭執物時,配合對方順應對方的需求,優先將爭執物讓給對方,而三年級的孩子知道對方想要得到爭執物,但不願意放棄爭執物來滿足對方。 本研究還探討生氣情緒在其中的角色,發現當個體在衝突中有著生氣的情緒時,會優先設定取回爭執物和報復對方的目標;而當個體沒有生氣的情緒時,則會優先設定和對方維持關係以及將爭執物讓給對方的目標。在人際衝突中,個體的生氣情緒與敵意解釋的確都會直接影響個體設定報復對方和取回爭執物的目標,也會透過彼此互相影響,進而間接影響報復對方和取回爭執物的目標。研究結果驗證發現生氣情緒在社會訊息處理歷程中佔有重要的影響力。


Children’s conflicts with peers often take the form of arguments for objects. The goal a child set often direct the results of conflict. Due to the importance of goal setting in conflicts, this study will investigates the influences of goal setting in children’s conflicts with peers. The Information Processing Theory proposes that the goal setting is determined by ones interpretations of social cues. Since, the emotion will influence their resolution in peer conflicts. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of cues interpretation and the anger emotion on goal setting, while children were managing the peer conflict. Three hundred and eighty seven students were recruited from an elementary school in Chung-Li city with two hundred and thirteen boys and one hundred and seventy three girls. One hundred two students were in their 3rd-grade and one hundred nineteen five students in their 5th-grade. The interpretations of cues, and goal setting in peer conflict were measured by “Children’s Interpersonal Conflicts Solving Processing Questionnaire”. Children’s anger was measured by emotional face picture. The data were analyzed statistically with Friedman two-way analysis of variance by ranks and path analysis. The results support the hypotheses that the goal children set in conflict reflect one’s interpretation of the situation. In peer conflict, when children interpret the situation as they want the toy, the goal they set tending to obtain objects. When children interpret the opposition as the pattern want the toy, they may set the goal of yield. When Children interpret the intention of pattern in the conflict as hostility, they may set the goal of revenge, objects obtaining, and yield. When children interpret the intention of the pattern as friendly, they may set the goal of maintain relationship. This research reveals sex and age differences. The girls set goal of enhance relationships more in conflicts, compare to boys, even girls and boys interpret cues in the same way. In age differences, when 5-grade students interpret the intention of the pattern as they want the toy, they may set the goal of yield. The results will not show in 3-grade students. The anger emotion and hostile attribution will contribute one to set damage relationship goal, in direct and indirectly ways. The direct effects show, when children are anger in the conflict or attribute pattern’s intention hostile, they tend to set the goal of revenge and objects obtaining. The indirectly effects show, when person in anger emotion tend to interpreted pattern’s intention more hostile and hence, set more damage relationship goals. This indirectly effect also shows in hostile intention interpretation evoke more anger emotion, than to set damage relationship goals.


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