  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwanese College Freshmen’s English self-Efficacy in Relation to Years of Learning English and English Performance Scores

指導教授 : 徐文正


過去幾十年,研究第二外語學習者的認知發展似乎為第二外語學習的主流,然而單純從認知發展角度來探測第二外語學習者的學習發展將會錯失人類行為的本質 (Brown, 2003, p. 142)。直到九零年代,情意領域才廣泛受為重視 (Arnold, 1999),Bandura (1986) 將社會學習理論,運用在人類行為中的觀察學習和強化原則,將情意發展以及認知發展作連結,進而提出自我效能的概念。 當今,自我效能的研究受限於ESL的學習環境或是仍處於大學以下的教育。因此,大學階段的英語自我效能,尤其是在EFL的學習環境,例如台灣,需要加以研究之。 這份研究在探討台灣大一學生在大一英文課的英文自我效能,並且將探討英文自我效能與學習英文年限和英文成績之間的關連性。根據描述性統計結果分析顯示,大一學生在大一英文課裡展現不同英文自我效能。此外,皮爾遜相關分析顯示,英文自我效能和學習英文年限無顯著性的相關,英文自我效能和英文成績有顯著性的正相關;在另一方面,同時,雙變因直線回歸顯示,英文自我效能能夠預測英文成績。因此,幫助學生在學習英文上建立自我信心可以帶來正向的教學成效,自我效能會影響學生的選擇、行為、和情意狀態 (Bandura, 1997)。此研究結果提供有助於大一英文老師,於課程中提供適合的教學方式。老師不僅僅要幫助學生的認知發展,更要塑造學生的英文自我信心。


For decades, studying L2 learners’ cognitive development seems to have been the main stream of second language acquisition research. However, exploring L2 learning based on cognitive fields would lose the nature of human behaviors (Brown, 2003, p. 142). The affective domain had been largely ignored until nineties (Arnold, 1999). Bandura (1986) bridged the link between the two by proposing the concept of self-efficacy on the basis of the social learning theory with the principles of observational learning and numerous reinforcements in human behaviors (p.399). Studies on self-efficacy to date are either confined to ESL tertiary settings or K-12 education (Morris, 2004). Given that, there is a need to access English self-efficacy in the college level, especially in an EFL context, such as Taiwan. This study investigated English self-efficacy, and its relationship with the students’ years of learning English, and their English performance scores. Descriptive statistical analysis showed that college freshman performed English self-efficacy with different levels in freshman English course. Besides, the result of Pearson correlations analysis indicated that English self-efficacy had no statistically significant correlations analysis with years of learning English. English self-efficacy had positive and statistically significant correlations with English performance scores. Additionally, the analysis of bivariate linear regression revealed that English self-efficacy had predictive effectiveness on English performance scores. Therefore, helping students cultivate self-confidence to learn English can bring about more unexpected consequences owing to its influence on students’ choice, behavior, and affective states (Bandura, 1997). The results of the present study were fruitful for beneficial findings and pedagogical implications in college freshman English course. In other words, teachers need to build up not only students’ cognitive development but also students’ English self-efficacy.


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