  • 學位論文


A Study on the Extension of Construction Time Limit-Based on Adjudication Collection and Analysis

指導教授 : 黃茂榮


摘要 營建業為國家重要之產業,規範營建工程之法律,其重要性不言可喻,而工期遲延更為營建工程實務上爭議最多,亦最常出現之問題。惟我國對於營建工程並未訂定特別之法律,關於營建工程之規範通常適用民法承攬之規定,惟民法承攬僅二十六條之多,對於營建工程工期遲延之特性與特殊問題,並未有詳細之規範,在發生工期遲延問題時,承攬之規定往往無法完整顧及,因此實務之運作以及法院之見解,顯得格外重要。 本文以我國法律規範為核心,實務上相關判決判例為補充,探討工期遲延之相關問題,瞭解法院對於相關問題如何解釋及適用法律,以及法律漏未規定時,法院如何處理。並參考實務與學術之文獻,彌補單純整理判決可能忽略之部分,同時將文獻所提及之法律問題,再藉由判決之整理,找出實務判決所採取的立場。希望藉由文獻分析找出爭議,以及判決整理發現問題,發揮學術文獻與實務案例互補之效果。 本文參考、整理實務上之案例,依導致工期遲延事由之類型,分為可歸責於承攬人之事由、可歸責於定作人之事由、同時可歸責於雙方之事由,以及不可歸責於雙方之事由四種類型。以其四種類型為依據,分析因各種事由所導致工期遲延可能之法律效果,以及當事人間之法律關係。 在可歸責於承攬人之事由類型,其內容主要為營建工程契約違約金效力之研究,實務上違約金酌減事由之整理,以及工程契約未有相關約定時,當事人之法律關係及法律效果。在可歸責於定作人之事由類型,主要分為工期展延與解除契約兩部分。工期展延為實務常見之處理方式,此部分主要探討工期展延常見之問題,以及法院之處理態度。解除契約為探討民法五百零七條之規定及相關問題。在同時可歸責於雙方之事由類型,主要探討民法二百十七條過失相抵在此類型如何適用,以及分析實務上相關案例。在不可歸責於雙方事由之類型,先介紹實務上工程契約就此問題之約定,瞭解實務就此情形如何分配相關之風險,進而探討實務上如何藉由情事變更原則調和其風險,以及工程契約中,棄權條款效力之判決整理等等。 最後將判決整理之結果及心得,整理作為提供定作人與承攬人之建議,使其方便瞭解法院對相關問題所採取之法律見解與立場,期望能對工程實務有所貢獻。


ABSTRACT The construction industry is an important industry in our country. It is needless to say how significant the rule is to regulate construction engineering. In the construction engineering practice, most disputes are about the extension of construction time limit. However, there is no construction engineering regulation to regulate the construction engineering except the section of the hire of work of Civil Code, which is not enough to regulate the construct engineering in our country. As a result, the practice of construction engineering and the adjudications of courts are particularly important. In order to study the issues of the construction delay and realize how the courts apply rules to judge, the thesis is composes of two parts. The first part is the regulation of construction engineering, and the second part is adjudication collection and analysis. Furthermore, the thesis refers to the papers related to construction engineering to complement the insufficiency of the adjudication collection and analysis in the hope of making the thesis more complete. (The thesis classifies the adjudications collected into four categories.) In the thesis, the collected adjudications are classified into four categories. The categories are 1) owing to circumstances for which the undertaker is responsible; 2) owing to circumstances for which the proprietor is responsible; 3) owing to circumstances for which both the undertaker and proprietor are responsible; and 4) neither owing to circumstances for which the undertaker is responsible nor owing to circumstances for which the proprietor is responsible. Based on those categories, the thesis analyzes the effects of laws and the relationship of laws between the undertaker and proprietor. In the category of the circumstances for which the undertaker is responsible, the contents of the category are the effects of the penalty, and the regulations which the parties of the construction contract could allege. In the category of the circumstances for which the proprietor is responsible, the content of the category is composed of two parts which are the extension of construction time limit and the rescission of the contract. In the category of the circumstances for which both the undertaker and proprietor are responsible, the main content of the category is to study how the article 217 of Civil Code is applied to these conditions, and analyze the adjudications related to the category. In the category which is neither owing to circumstances for which the undertaker is responsible nor owing to circumstances for which the proprietor is responsible, the thesis introduces how the contract distributes the risks between the undertaker and proprietor in the first place. Further, the thesis investigates how the regulation harmonizes the undertaker and proprietor’s risks and the effect of the clauses of construction contract that makes undertakers lose their rights. Finally, wish the conclusion of the thesis will be of help for the parties of the construction engineering.


delay extension Construction adjudication time limit


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