  • 學位論文


Assessment of the Hypolipidemic Effects of Combinatory or Alternative Administration of Various Hypolipidemic Functional food

指導教授 : 蔡敬民


本實驗目的在於探討以混合或輪流攝取五種不同降低血脂類保健食品取代單一食品的功效性評估。實驗設計基本上乃根據衛生署修訂的「健康食品之調節血脂功能評估方法」,採用脂質代謝與人類較相似的倉鼠為實驗動物,將 64 隻倉鼠隨機分成 8 組,每組 8 隻。分別為 (1) 控制組;(2) 含 0.48% 引藻;(3) 含 0.84% 甲殼素;(4) 含 40% 燕麥;(5) 含 2.5% 魚油; (6) 含 40% 薏仁;(7) 綜合飼料組,前五組有效劑量各取五分之一;(8) 循環飼料組,每日依有效劑量週期性餵食不同健康食品。於實驗期滿進行血清脂質的分析,比較在高油高糖高膽固醇飲食下攝取多項不同降低血脂類保健食品相較於單一食品對雄性倉鼠血清脂質的影響,及其降血脂之功效。 實驗結果顯示,循環飼料組、綜合飼料組及單一食品之血清三酸甘油酯 (TG)、總膽固醇 (TC)、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇 (LDL-C) 及 LDL-C/ HDL-C 比例皆明顯低於控制組 (p<0.05),且各組間無明顯差異 ( p>0.05),而高密度脂蛋白膽固醇 (HDL-C) 濃度除魚油組與綜合飼料組之外,實驗組皆明顯高於控制組 (p<0.05),且彼此間無差異 (p>0.05)。由此可瞭解在攝取保健食品時可『經常任意更換相同生理機能類型的不同保健食品』或選擇『同時混加幾種不同,但適量的相同機能類型的不同保健食品』,而仍能與每天必須攝取某固定「單一保健食品」之攝取方法有相同的功效。


薏仁 魚油 燕麥 甲殼素 引藻


It has been recognized that many foods containing with some special components which can either reduce risk factors of a disease or enhance health benefits. However, people are very hard to ingest a same health food for years to obtain its benefit. The aim of the study was to investigate can a person eat various foods in a category with same health function, in stead of a same single health food? Eighty hamsters were divided into 8 groups, 8 each, and fed recommended dose of Chlorella-Cryptomonadales, chitosan, oat, fish oil, adlay, a cycle menu of these 5 food items, a mixture of 1/5 recommended doses of these 5 food items or control diet for 6 weeks. Serum lipids were determined after animals were sacrificed. The results showed that all the individual health food, cycle menu or mixture of these health food diets could reduce serum triacylglycerol (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) and increase high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), comparing with control group. The results also revealed that there was no difference among the treatment groups, except fish oil group on HDL-C concentrations. The result demonstrated that a people can rotate taking any health food in the same functional category to obtain same health effect, and not necessary to ingest a same one every day.


fish oil oat chitosan Chlorella-Cryptomonadales adlay


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