  • 學位論文


Semantic Repetition Blindness On Two Types Pictures:An Relative Strength Account

指導教授 : 鄭谷苑


重複視盲(RB)是指受試者在看到一系列快速呈現(RSVP)的刺激時,若其中有刺激重複出現,受試者會忽略其第二次的呈現。研究指出若刺激的兩次呈現是完全相同的,無論刺激是文字、語音或者圖形,均有RB產生。但若刺激為兩個概念或語義相同的文字,但字形並非完全一致時,就不容易有RB;反之,如果刺激為圖片則會有RB產生。這可能是由於受試者在文字刺激的處理歷程中,會先觸接到語音或者字形的層次;而圖片則可直接觸接到概念或語義的層次。因此本研究採用圖片作為刺激材料,希望直接探討概念或語意義層次的RB現象。本研究主要要探討兩個可能影響RB產生與否的因素,一是刺激出現的位置,二是刺激材料的強度。本研究包含三個實驗,實驗一,筆者想要藉由心理物理學的實驗方法來檢視語義相同的圖片,以線條圖(Line Drawing)與真實圖片(Real Picture)兩類圖片,以九種不同的速度呈現。在正確率上,LD組的正確率較高,表示其相對激發強度較強。實驗二分別針對兩類圖片(二A與二B),完整圖片與部分圖片來呈現刺激,並且操弄完整圖片和部分圖片出現的位置(C1或C2)。結果顯示完整圖片的激發強度比部分圖片強,因此不管完整圖片出現在C1或C2,都容易使部分圖片在報告時被忽略,因而產生RB現象。另外,將實驗二與實驗一的結果一起檢驗,由於LD組的刺激激發強度較強,容易被辨識出來,也因此在二A的RB也高於二B。實驗三將LD與RP混合呈現,也發現了RB。由於兩類圖形外形差距很大,我們因此推論本實驗的RB是來自兩個刺激在概念層次上的一致性。認為本實驗可支持在語意層次的RB現象是存在的。綜合上面三個實驗,我們得到兩個主要的結論。首先,概念層次的RB是存在的。其次,RB的產生,並不必然是C1的呈現,使C2無法被完整處理。關鍵應該是兩個刺激的相對激發強度。換句話說,激發強度較強的刺激被完整處理,而較弱的刺激無論出現在哪個位置,在報告時被忽略,因此產生RB現象。




Repetition Blindness (RB) refers to the failure to report the second occurrence of a repeated stimulus in a RSVP paradigm. Literature showed strong RB when the two presentations (C1 and C2) were identical words, phonological symbols, or pictures. On the other hand, when C1 and C2 were conceptually or semantically related, RB was not clearly found in words, but very significant in pictures. This may due to the difference in the nature of processing words and pictures. For words, phonological and morphological information were automatically processed; for pictures, conceptual processing would be more direct. In current study, only pictures were the stimuli. Two factors were investigated, namely the location and relative strength of C1 and C2. In exp 1, psychophysical method was employed. Both Line Drawing (LD) and Real Picture (RP) were presented at nine different speeds. The result showed stronger relative strength in LD. In exp 2, whole pictures and parts of pictures were presented for both LD (2A) and RP (2B). Whole pictures activated stronger relative strength, and therefore produced more RB regardless of the locations. RB in 2A was stronger than 2B due to LD had stronger strength. This was consistent with exp 1. In exp 3, LD and RP were presented in the same trial. Significant RB was found. Two conclusions were then drawn. First, the result supported the existence of conceptual RB since the C1 and C2 in exp 3 were only related conceptually. Secondly, RB was not necessarily produced as C1 somehow blocked C2. The relative strength between C1 and C2 was the key to RB.


Repetition Blindness


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