  • 學位論文


Evaluation on the Seismic Resistance of the Underground Pipelines and Function Study for Common Utility Duet

指導教授 : 張達德


台灣地區由於經濟高度發展、人口持續成長以及生活水準不斷提昇,造成都市化現象愈見明顯,在都市化之過程當中,除了各項顯著的重大建設之外,還包括了許多人忽略的維生管線系統;然而不同於傳統結構系統,地下維生管線系統係分部於廣大空間的一種結構物,舉凡電力、電信、排水、污水、輸油、天然氣以及自來水等管線,均屬此類,當遭遇地震時,除結構分佈寬廣所致之空間變異性,造成管線損壞之外,不同之地質條件與受力行為也會影響管線破壞模式與災損程度。 本島的地理條件特殊、板塊活動活絡,地震頻繁,本文爰針對921震災各類之公共管線因地震所產生破壞之情形,加以探討災損程度與破壞模式,並研析其耐震對策,進而導入共同管道觀念。 依目前政府機關執行共同管道建設情況,除遭遇建置時之工程問題外,最大問題仍存在於管線整合技術與管線單位之協調,因此本文除針對共同管道建置技術與綜合效應加以研析評估外,亦針對目前尚在執行中之臺北市「大度路共同管道工程」案例,就其施工時可能遭遇之課題,探討實際解決之對策,進一步了解共同管道設置之技術考量;另外,就吾人目前於實際工程經驗上,整合各種公共管線納入共同管道之可行性提供建議;最後,由於共同管道初期建設成本龐大,如何在最具經濟效益及最適合之開發條件下選定最佳之共同管道建置規模,仍須有系統之評估方式加以分析,本文針對共同管道建置提出初步評估模式,能對共同管道建設之推行有所助益。


耐震 921地震 公共管線 共同管道


Due to the prosperous economic development in Taiwan area, the growing population and rising living standard has lead to obvious urbanization problem. The urbanizing process not only includes the major constructions, but also piping systems that are neglected by many. However, different from traditional structural system, the underground pipelines are a type of structure of the vast space, which encloses power lines, telecommunication cables, sewage pipes, oil pipes, natural gas pipes, and water pipes. In the event of earthquake, the spatial variation due to the wide-range distribution of the structure would cause damages to pipelines, and different geological conditions and mechanical behavior would also affect the mode of destructions and degree of damages. Taiwan has special geographic conditions, active plate movement, and frequent occurrence of earthquake. Thus, this paper discusses the degree of damage and mode of destruction of the public pipelines in the 921 Earthquake, propose earthquake endurance strategies, and introduce the Common Utility Duet concept. According to present construction of Common Utility Duet in governmental institutions, besides the problems of construction, the most significant difficulty encountered is the coordination between pipeline integration techniques and pipeline units. Thus, this paper not only analyzes and explores the technique of Common Utility Duet and combined effects, but also probes into the actual solution for the possible difficulties in the construction of “Common Utility Duet of Dadu Road “ in Taipei City, in order to further find the technical consideration of Common Utility Duet., Moreover, this paper proposes the suggestions according to the actual construction experience and integration of varied possibilities of combination between public pipeline and to function as the criterion for the promotion of Common Utility Duet. Finally, because the Common Utility Duet initial period construction cost is huge, how in most has the economic efficiency and most suits under the development condition to designate the best Common Utility Duet establishes the scale, still must have appraisal way the system to analyze, this article established in view of the Common Utility Duet proposed the preliminary appraisal pattern, could have to carrying out of the Common Utility Duet construction is of help.


1、葉義雄,地震災害,天然災害與防治,土木工程防災教育改進計劃,國立台灣大學,教育部顧問室,民國86 年7 月。
2、阪神、淡路大震災,神戶市下水道設施受損與復舊復建紀錄,神戶市建設局,平成10 年10 月。
3、羅俊雄,土木工程地震災害防治,天然災害與防治,土木工程防災教育改進計劃,國立台灣大學,教育部顧問室,民國86 年7 月。
4、王桑貴、鄭錦澤,從中美地震補強策略與技術討論會— 談自來水設施地震補強與應變整備對策,自來水會刊,民國89 年5 月。
