  • 學位論文


A New Interface for Document Browsing on Computer Displays

指導教授 : 林久翔


由於網際網路WWW的盛行,捲行或換頁的手動操作行為在今日網頁閱讀的型態中屢見不鮮,儘管已有許多文獻研究電腦介面呈現方式對閱讀績效的影響。然而這些研究多侷限於電腦螢幕上捲行或換頁的閱讀方式,而無法顯著改善閱讀網頁時文字跳動所造成的視覺疲勞問題。視覺終端顯示器的閱讀績效與舒適度問題在今日的網路瀏覽環境中越發引人重視。 本研究建立一連串的實驗,並提出改善式閱讀介面,以有效解決網頁跳動與手動操作等因子所造成的視覺疲勞問題。在第一階段實驗中,我們提出五階段網頁瀏覽模式,並利用眼球追蹤器記錄受測者在網頁瀏覽過程中的眼球移動與手動行為。並發現不論在捲行(scrolling pattern)或換頁模式(paging pattern)中,五階段網頁瀏覽模型(five steps browsing model)可以解釋視覺終端顯示器上的網頁閱讀行為。 第二階段研究期待建立改良式介面來探討在視覺終端顯示器閱讀行為中對使用者視覺績效與視覺疲勞等相關問題。設計因子為:不同介面(捲行、換頁、改良式視窗技術(smooth window technique),本研究提出)、不同種類之文章(長文、科學文章、短文)、不同錯誤型態(錯字(如:閱讀-閱瀆)、語意如:(閱讀-讀閱)、克漏字(如:閱讀-閱閱讀)),並希望藉由實驗的操作,讓使用者執行閱讀搜尋任務,最後並以閱讀速度、正確率、閃光融合閾值、視力值與主觀評量表及滿意度量表來評估視覺績效、視覺疲勞與使用滿意度。 本研究結果顯示在使用介面、文章種類、與錯誤型態對於績效都有顯著性影響。實驗的結果也顯示研究提出的改良式視窗技術(SWT)對於視覺績效的增加與視覺疲勞的減少有明顯的幫助,並期待本研究的結果可以提供視覺終端顯示器產品設計者在設計時的參考。


The use with the scrolling and paging technique to view documents and text materials on the WWW has never been more common than today. Not only the visual performance but also the comfort of browsing tasks is getting increasingly important in the Internet environment. This study conducted a series of experiments, beginning with preliminary experiments, eye movement tracking content experiment, to record every detail of the browsing behavior. The experiment of preliminary showed us that the five steps browsing model could completely explain the reading behavior in VDT. The second experiment study considered two types of experimental factors, the display factor and the article factor. The display factors manipulated were the SWT (smooth window technique) interface, paging interface and scrolling interface. The article factor included the different article attribute and length (science article, long and short essays) with reference to the different text error types. Three types of text errors were studied: typo (e.g., 閱讀-閱瀆), semantic (e.g., 閱讀-讀閱), and repetition (e.g., 閱讀-閱閱讀). Visual performance and visual fatigue were measured with the reading time, accuracy, critical flicker fusion frequency (CFF), visual acuity, subjective and satisfaction measures. The results showed that the interface, type of article, and type of errors all had significant effects. The joint effects of the interface factors and article types suggest an improvement interface technique which called SWT for readers while browsing on the internet information could be helpful for increase visual performance and decrease visual fatigue. The results can also provide a reference for designer of visual display terminal products.


visual performance browsing model SWT visual fatigue


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