  • 學位論文


The Impact of Problem-Based Learning on Metacognition Performance for College Students

指導教授 : 楊坤原


中文摘要 本研究旨在探討「問題本位學習」(Problem-Based Learning, PBL)教學模式對於大一學生後設認知表現之影響。本研究採取個案研究法,研究對象為桃園縣某私立大學生物科技系一年級的83位學生,並依生物科能力測驗得分進行異質性分組,將全班學生分為十四組,每組五到六人。本研究共實施二個單元的教學,為期八週共16節課。資料的收集包含學生歷程檔案、現場教學手札、學生課室的錄音與錄影、課程與教學意見調查表、學生自評表與互評表以及研究者與學生之訪談記錄;而資料之分析方式主要採取晤談內容分析以及學習檔案內容分析。本研究之具體發現如下: 一、後設認知知識表現 學生在後設認知知識的表現上可分為「有關人的知識」、「有關工作的知識」以及「有關策略的知識」三個子向度。在「有關人的知識」向度上,學生表現了對於自我以及他人知識的瞭解;在「有關工作的知識」向度上,學生能瞭解其工作之目標、性質及其困難度,此外學生亦能表現出對於所需資源運用上之理解;在「有關策略的知識」向度上,學生除了能運用策略解題外,更能進一步檢核其策略運用的情形。 二、後設認知執行表現 學生在後設認知執行的表現上可分為「計畫與運用策略活動」、「自我監控活動」以及「自我評估成果」三個子向度。在「計畫與運用策略活動」上,學生能預測其工作過程之所需,此外,他們亦表現出對於工作策略之規劃;在「自我監控活動」向度上,學生除了能持續監控其自身的認知歷程外,在研究的過程中遭遇困難時亦能調整其認知活動;而在「自我評估成果」向度上,研究發現學生在研究的過程中能對其小組工作任務以及自身的工作效能進行評估。 三、由學生的教學意見調查表、學習心得以及晤談得知,問題本位學習教學模式除了可引發其學習興趣、誘發其主動學習之外,亦有助學生獲得更多專業知識並應用於生活中。此外,PBL教學模式營造了更多的師生互動機制,對學生的自我肯定亦有所提升。而學生對問題本位學習教學模式亦提出相關的建議。


Abstract The object of this research was to realize the impact of problem-based learning (PBL) teaching model on metacognition performance for college students. We employed case study. 83 freshmen from bioscience technology department of a university in Tao Yuan country were selected to be the research participants, which divided into 14 heterogeneous groups in light of the results in biology aptitude test. The research frequency was two classes a week, and the all research time was lasting eight weeks. The data collecting included students’ portfolios, observation notes, classroom recordings (video and audio), the curriculum and teaching questionnaire, students’ self-assessment, peer-assessment and the interviews. The data was to analyze the interview content and learning portfolios of the learners. The main conclusions of this study were as followings: 1. The metacognition knowledge performances The metacognition knowledge performances of the participants can divide into three dimensions, which are ‘knowledge about the human’, ‘knowledge about the task’ and ‘knowledge about the strategy’. With regard to ‘knowledge about the human’, the students show the realization of the knowledge for themselves and others. With regard to ‘knowledge about the task’, the students show the realization of the objective, the natures and the difficulties for their tasks. Furthermore, students know how to manage the learning resources. With regard to ‘knowledge about the strategy’, the students not only solve the problem by applying the strategies, but also examine the status of strategies applying. 2. The metacognition executive performances The metacognition executive performances of the participants also can divide into three dimensions, which are ‘planning and strategy applying’, ‘self-monitoring’ and ‘self-assessment’. With regard to ‘planning and strategy applying’, the students can predict the requirements during the research processes. Furthermore, they perform the planning for the working strategies. With regard to ‘self-monitoring’, the students can monitor their cognitive processes continuously and they can adjust their cognitive actions while meeting the difficulties. With regard to ‘self-assessment’, we find that the students assess their group task and self working efficacy during the research processes. 3. In light of the questionnaire and interviews, problem-based learning teaching model invokes the students’ motivation and active learning; it also helps students to learn more professional knowledge and its applications. Furthermore, problem-based learning teaching model builds the interactive environment for both teacher and students, and enhances the students’ self-identification. The participants also make some suggestions for problem-based learning teaching model.


biology problem-based learning metacognition college




