  • 學位論文


Magic change of the dormitory wall city Participatory redesign of living spaces of Li-Xing Dormitory of Chung Yuan Christian University

指導教授 : 胡寶林


摘要 中原大學現有四個學生宿舍,分別為恩慈、良善女生宿舍以及力行、信實男生宿舍,其中力行男生宿舍在30多年前為國內大學宿舍少數具當年品質標準之模範,但在長時間使用下日漸老舊且呈現擁擠低落的生活環境,隔著新中北路這條難以穿越的「護城河」,力行宿舍跳脫了校園中充滿活力的氛圍,成為一座昏暗的「圍城」。本研究以中原大學力行舊男生宿舍公共交流空間參與式美化設計歷程為主題,進行以「場所性精神」為概念之空間營造,配合室設系指導教授執行教育部教學卓越計畫,達成友善校園實作改造的目標。本論文以「場所精神」的觀點,透過實地觀察及訪談使用者,對力行宿舍環境現況發詳改造概念模式做參與式設計的活動及實作。本論文實際參與美化設計過程之行動研究,歸納出宿舍空間再設計據點,設計改造空間成果共四項,並和指導教授研究生團隊合作施工,已有初步改善的公共交流友善空間氛圍。其中第四項則因預算關係定為後續工程。 1. 腳踏車棚變藝廊 2. 宿舍入口意象變廟口 3. 中央穿廊變宵夜廳 4. 水泥中庭變生活廣場


bstract There are four dormitories in Chung Yuan Christian University, including two women’s dormitories, En Ci and Liang Shan, and two men's dormitories, Li Xing and Xin Shi. About more thirty years ago, Li Xing men’s dormitory was one of the few model dormitories at the time while most of college dormitories in Taiwan were below standard. However after long time wear and tear, Li Xing men’s dormitory has became old and crowded and shown a sign of poor living condition. Especially when Xin Zhong North Road is like a moat, which isolates Li Xing dormitory from the vibrant college life, it seems to be a dark "Wall City". The theme of this study is a participatory redesign project (and improvement) of Chung Yuan Christian University Li Xing men’s dormitory via spacial modification to realize the concept of "the spirit of place " To team up with advise professor’s research project which is an "Excellence Education Program "supported by the Ministry of Education. The aims whereon the goal of " friendly campus ". Should be achieved and inspired by the concept of "spirit of place”, this study deploys field observations and user interviews to analyze the living environment of Li Xing men’s dormitory and discusses the living experience in the dormitory in order to develop the conceptual pattern for the realization of participatory process of redesign and construction. This study includes execution of participation by the active research method. The outcome comprise four projects are : 1. Convert bicycle shed into art space 2. Image of dormitory entrance is symbolic the temple plaza 3. The center passage/hallway becomes the night snack hall 4. Convert concrete courtyard into life square They have been developed and three of them constructed with collaboration of the advice professor’s postgraduate students team .The reconstructed and remodified public communication space have been created a friendly atmosphere wherein the fourth point of the redesign will be constructed in future because of the limited of budget.


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