  • 學位論文


Analysis of Voltage Collapse Problem for an Island Power System

指導教授 : 許世哲


未來會有大量的再生能源加入到電力系統中,將增加電力系統的不穩定性,甚至有可能導致大停電的發生。加上因為全球暖化的原故,民眾的用電量增加,讓原本穩定的電力系統亮起紅燈。因為負載持續增加,而興建新的電廠不易,導致備轉容量不足,甚至有出現供電困難的可能性。簡而言之,若負載大於可供電力,而又不及時卸載的話,將會產生電壓崩潰現象,造成大規模停電。 本論文使用DIGSILENT軟體工具對金門電力系統進行分析,探討金門電力系統的電壓崩潰現象。由於未來金門可能設置較多的再生能源,因此先以目前的電力系統來模擬造成電壓崩潰的原因,並且分析如何利用儲能或其他方式來改善這個問題。由於電壓崩潰會造成全面性的停電,為了要避免發生如此嚴重的情況,因此必須未雨綢繆事先分析以爭取應變的時間。


In the future, a large amount of renewable energies will be added to the power system. It may cause a blackout in Taiwan, which will lead to an increase in the instability of the power system. However the change of climate and significant increase in electricity consumption of people, cause that the originally stable power system illuminates red light. Because the load is constantly increasing, and the shortage of reserve capacity is faced, and the construction of a new power plant is not easy, resulting in the possibility of insufficient power supply. If the load is greater than the power supply, voltage will be collapsed. The phenomenon of collapse will cause the problem of a blackout. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the Kinmen Island power system with the software of DIgSILENT, and to analyze the phenomenon of voltage collapse of the Kinmen Island power system. There may be many renewable energy sources in the future, so the existing power system is used to simulate the cause of voltage collapse. This thesis also tries to find out how to use energy storage or other means to improve voltage collapse problem. Because the voltage collapse will cause a blackout of power system, so to avoid this situation is definitively important. The analysis results will provide valuable comments to play for time for Kinmen power system.


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