  • 學位論文


The study on product transformation schedule of new product development: A case study of lithium-ion battery of F-company.

指導教授 : 周永燦


摘要   現代科技產品無一不依賴電力供應,故電力能量儲存成為現今大眾的需求品,舉凡手機電池、行動電源、擴充電源、露營供電系統、油電混合車用電力等,各種形式的動力電池需求以極快的速度展開,形成一塊龐大的市場。其中政府推動電動汽機車以減少二氧化碳排放量,藉此紓解目前空氣環境汙染的議題,促使許多電池大廠蠢蠢欲動,期望轉型成為此類型動力電池供應者。至於如何從小型消費性電子鋰電池產品做到大型電動汽機車鋰電池模組也就成為這些公司的一大挑戰,而電池的安全更是不容忽視的考量點,自從知名手機自爆意外頻傳,突然之間也讓消費者發現:電池產業最無法忽略的重點在於安全性,特別是電動汽機車,更無法承受任何爆炸風險,故動力電池的零意外也使得其新產品在開發時程上較3C消費性電池困難且嚴謹,相關專案開發人員也必須要有更全面具體且有效的電池開發流程。   目前電池產業廣泛受到世界各國重視,其中又以鋰電池為目前消費性電子產品中最常用,因鋰電池生命周期較長,故近期也廣為車廠使用。本研究探討消費性產品電池開發流程所能帶給電動汽機車電池模組開發流程的時程經驗,並建構從消費性產品電池轉型至電動汽機車電池模組所對應的新產品開發時程,並針對個案公司之案例,比較套用時程前後所縮減的時間成效與成本差異,作為個案公司日後新產品開發的範例時程與其他公司相關新產品開發轉型的參考。


ABSTRACT Modern technology products like 3C products (Computers、Communications、Consumer) are all dependent on the power supply, the power of energy storage become daily necessities , such as mobile phone batteries, power banks, power storage device, camping power supply system, hybrid electric vehicles, all of power battery demand are extremely expanding, become a large market. Which the government to promote electric bike or electric vehicles to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to alleviate the current air pollution problems, it leads many battery manufacturers are interested in this market, expect to be a power battery pack supplier. As for how to do transited 3C products lithium batteries into power batteries will become a difficult challenge, and the safety of the battery can’t be ignored considerations, since the well-known mobile phone exploded happen, suddenly people notice battery safety issue must be careful and the battery industry can’t ignore this danger anymore, electric bike or electric vehicles can’t afford any risk of battery exploded, so the power battery must be a zero accident product, also makes its new product in the development process than the 3C products lithium batteries are difficult and rigorous, the relevant project members also need overall thinking and there are effective develop procedure. Recently the battery industry is widely regarded worldwide, of which lithium batteries have better life cycle and performance, so it’s widely used in hybrid electric vehicles. This study will discuss the transition schedule that 3C lithium battery pack to the power battery pack of automotive products, which challenges and difficulties. And modify the power battery pack of automotive products development schedule, there are two cases in F-company, compare A and B case study be the F-company future new product development reference.


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