  • 學位論文


The Regeneration and Representation of Sin-Jhung Historical Street

指導教授 : 陳其澎


中文摘要 人文薈萃的新莊,是北台灣最早開發的城市,歷經百年來的繁華興衰,依舊屹立於蜿蜒的大漢溪畔。隨著都市核心的遷移,昔日的繁華商旅逐漸淡去,但虔誠的宗教信仰、民俗活動並未隨著商業行為的淡化而消失。數百年來孕育出的宗教文化涵養隨著歲月的累積,不僅沒有褪色,反而因為歷久彌新而更添韻味。然而隨著新莊副都心及捷運系統的建構及通車,帶動商業重心的移轉,老街因為欠缺人文發展上的交流,現狀上不易感動人心,因而逐漸落入都市發展的邊陲。 本文研究討論的重點,將透過實地的田野調查,進行新莊老街文化空間的實踐解碼,期使在空間表徵執行過程後的歷史場域空間,提出空間再造及連結文化地景活動,再生新莊文化宗教園區的教化內涵。 都市發展的更迭造成城市中心的移動,新莊老街區內著名的傳統產業及豐富的歷史廟宇建築、人文資源,卻成為發展文化園區得天獨厚的條件,舊街區保留的文化傳統與宗教意涵,相形於新建構的都市計畫中益顯重要。期許透過地域空間文化內蘊的再生與利用,進而促使新莊文化宗教園區的人文資產及商業行為再生與發展,達到建構具區域主題特色的文化網絡目的。


Abstract Sin-Jhuang, a town combining talents and culture, is the first developed area in northern Taiwan. Witnessed centuries of prosperity and recession, now it still stands firm at the Ta-Han River bank. The glory days of business in Sin-Jhuang gradually fades due to the migration of the downtown area. However, devout religious beliefs, folk activities remain unaffected by the decline of business activities. Instead of vanishing, the religious and cultural essence has cumulated and matured during the paste centuries, and has generated a lasting charm. The business center has migrated with the construction of the secondary center of Sin-Jhuang and the new service of MRT system, which has resulted in the lacking of humanity communication in the Old Street of Sin-Jhuang. Now Sin-Jhuang is losing it’s spiritual power and is gradually marginalized in the process of urban development. This research is focused on releasing of the cultural space of the Sin-Jhuang Old Street through field research. Spatial reconstruction and cultural connection development will be proposed after executing historical area representation. Hopefully we can regenerate the values of enlightenment through the Cultural and Religious Park in Sin-Jhuang. The process of urban development has caused the migration of city center. However, the renowned traditional industries, historical temples, and humanity resources in the Old Street area has became exceptionally favorable conditions for the development of cultural park. The reservation of traditional cultures and religious has emphasized their importance when compared to the new constructions in the urban development. Hopefully, the goal of establishing a distinctive cultural network through the regeneration and development of human assets and business practices in the cultural and religious park in Sin-Jhuang will be attained.


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