  • 學位論文


An Exploration on Effect Collaboration Experience between Junior High School Counseling Directors and Teachers

指導教授 : 楊慶麟


本研究旨在探討國中輔導主任與輔導教師有效合作之經驗,研究目的有四: 1.瞭解在國中輔導工作的生態系統中,輔導主任和輔導教師對彼此的角色功能之看法;2.瞭解輔導主任和輔導教師對「有效合作」的定義;3.瞭解國中輔導主任與輔導教師之間有效合作的經驗及其發展歷程,例如信任關係的建立、磨合歷程;4.瞭解國中輔導主任與輔導教師之間有效合作的具體方法與策略,以利提升輔導實務工作的效能。研究方法採配對的方式邀請研究受訪者接受半結構式個別訪談,研究資料則以質性研究典型一般質性分析方法將資料進行整理。 研究結果分為四個部分,包括:(1)輔導主任和輔導教師對彼此角色功能之詮釋,共五項:具備系統合作的概念與能力、知覺行銷輔導工作的重要、能充分放權並尊重專業、維持學校系統中的協調與平衡,以及維護輔導工作的品質;前四項雙方均有,維護輔導工作的品質則只有輔導主任提到;(2)輔導主任和輔導教師對有效合作之定義:輔導主任與輔導教師對有效合作之定義不完全一致;(3)輔導主任和輔導教師如何建立信任關係共有四項,包括:同理的瞭解,真誠的關心對方、以尊重和專業對話、說到做到並承擔責任、正向互動,心懷感恩,形成良性循環;(4)輔導主任和輔導教師提出的促進有效合作之方法與策略:包含建立良好的溝通模式、運用系統合作來掌握狀況並適時支援、尊重並信任專業、扛起責任,當團隊的靠山、營造和諧愉快的工作氣氛。 根據以上研究結果,研究者針對輔導主任的角色權威、雙方關係中的不對等、領導者的主動是被期待的、輔導教師被動的希望被看見—華人文化的倫理議題,與接納彼此的不同才能有效的合作等議題進行討論,最後進一步對國中輔導主任、國中輔導教師、輔導師資培訓機構、立法機關與地方教育主管機關,以及未來相關研究等五方面提出建議作為參考。


This study aims to explore the experience of the effect collaboration between the junior high school counseling directors and teachers. There are four research purposes: (a) understanding the perspectives on the junior high school counseling directors and teachers in each other’s role in the counseling ecosystem; (b) learning the definition of the effective cooperation from the counseling directors and teachers; (c) understanding the experience of the effective cooperation and its development between the junior high school counseling directors and teachers, including the establishment of the trusting relationships and the run-in course; (d) understanding the specific methods and strategies for the effective cooperation between the junior high school counseling directors and teachers in order to improve the effectiveness of the counseling practice. The research method is to use the pairing method to invite research participants. First, finding the counseling teachers who believed that they had effective cooperation with the counseling directors, and then the researcher would like to invite further those counseling directors to participate in this research. They will receive the semi-structured individual interviews and the research data are collated with the basis of a qualitative typical analysis. The research results include four dimensions: (a) the interpretation of the roles of the counseling directors and Teachers in five roles: have the concept and capability of system cooperation, understand the importance of marketing coaching, be able to fully decentralize and respect professional, maintain coordination and balance in the school system, and maintain the quality of consoling work. Both of them have the former four parts and the last one is only mentioned by the counseling directors; (b) the definition of the effective cooperation from the counseling directors and Teachers: the counseling directors mentioned that the coaching is effective and the recognition counseling is useful. Also the counseling teachersindicated that the counseling is effective and feels concentricity; (c) there are four ways how the counseling directors and teachers establish the trusting relationships, including, the understanding of the empathy, sincerely concern for each other, communicating with the profession and respect, doing as promising and being responsible, positive interaction, having gratitude, and forming a virtuous cycle; (d) the methods and strategies from the counseling directors and teachers to promote effective cooperation, including establishing a good communication model, using the system cooperation to handle the situation and providing timely support, respecting and trusting professional, taking responsibility, being the team's supporter, and creating a harmonious and pleasant working atmosphere. Given the research results, the researcher further discussed that the difference in the role authority of the counseling director, the non-equivalence in the relationship between the two parties, and the leader’s initiative was expected and accepted from each other can be an effective cooperation. While the passive hope from the counseling teachersis seen – the ethical issues in Chinese culture, etc., would be proposed to further discuss. Finally, the recommendations were presented on the five aspects of junior high school counseling directors, junior high school counseling teachers, tutor training institutions, local education authorities, and future related research.


