  • 學位論文


Exploring the Demands for Reforming the Idle Campus at Min-Sheng Community into Elderly-Friendly Residences

指導教授 : 倪晶瑋 曹拯元


摘要 行政院經建會的人口白皮書指出,2030年台灣將有573萬的老年人口,約佔總人口數之24;推估2060年時將升至738萬人(總人口數之41)。依此預測,屆時將會有8成約458萬的獨居老人。在沒有妥善居家照護系統、無障礙智慧住宅的規畫下,將形成嚴重的高齡化社會之問題。民生社區居民2萬多戶,是全國居家環境最理想之示範社區之一,積極推展「社區照顧」參與「公益活動」。但在「少子高齡化」情況下,社區中的老舊公寓得不到積極改善,校園閒置問題也日趨顯著。本研究擬在民生社區內,探討以閒置校園改造為「高齡友善住宅」之潛在機能需求。研究方法為問卷調查與訪談。主要研究成果分為二部份:其一為居住模式與建築物部分:(1)「高齡友善住宅」宜「租賃」與「購置」兩制並存;(2)多數受測者傾向「同住」,無論現在或未來,同住對象以「配偶」及「未婚子女」為居多;(3)樓面型式選擇低樓層的「5層左右電梯住宅」為主要訴求;(4)「高齡友善住宅」單戶面積宜在20坪以上;(5)房型規劃「獨居」偏好選擇「一房一廳一衛」,「與他人同住」者以「二房一廳一衛」及「二房二廳一衛」為主要選擇。其二為居住環境設施規劃:(1)室外擁有大面積「散步聊天的綠化庭園」及「戶外休閒運動場」、「自己種植蔬菜的菜園」等(2)室內具備「自助/共膳的餐飲區」及「會客/居民同樂多功能教室」、「打麻將下棋的育樂房」等多項條件是社區高齡者互動交流之新趨勢。


高齡化 友善住宅 閒置校園


Abstract The population census conducted by the Executive Yuan’s Council for Economic Planning and Development estimates that there will be 5.73 million senior citizens by 2030, accounting for 24% of the total Taiwanese population. This figure will reach approximately 7.38 million by 2060, rising to 41% of the total population. Given this context, extrapolation shows that approximately 80% (4.58 million) of these senior citizens will be living alone at that time. Without comprehensive homecare or accessible residences, having this overwhelming number of seniors living alone in Taiwan, will pose serious social problems. The Min-Sheng community consists of over 20,000 households and is one of the most ideal communities in Taipei city, actively promoting community care and community service. But in light of low birth rates and the aging society, the old residences in the community received no reformation, and the problem of abandoned schools became salient. The current study investigated the functional needs for the reform of abandoned schools into “elder-friendly residences”. The employed research methods were survey and interview. There were two major findings. In regard to living style and building, the survey indicated that: (1) Both renting and purchasing channels for “elder-friendly residences” should exist; (2) Currently and in the future, most participants preferred to live with others, primarily their spouses and unmarried children; (3) Most participants preferred the residence style of “five story apartment buildings with elevators”; (4) “Elder-friendly residences” should exceed 66 m2 ; (5) Participants who prefer living alone favor the “one bed, one bath, one living room” design, while those who prefer living with others favor the “two bed, one bath, one living room” and the “two bed, one bath, one living room, one dining room” designs. In regard to residential environment facility planning, participants cited that their ideal residences should have: (1) Large outdoor areas like gardens for walking and chatting, outdoor sporting facilities, and community gardens; (2) Indoor facilities like self-service/eat-together dining areas, multifunction rooms for visiting and other activities, and playrooms with chess and mahjong.


aging elderly-friendly residence idle campus


趙慶源(2007),〈由現行養生村及Long Stay探討未來養老事業之發展模式〉,國立嘉義大學企業管理研究所技術報告。
