  • 學位論文


Multi-Product and Multi-Site Capacity Planning Model Development with Potential Orders in the CTO Production Environment

指導教授 : 宮大川


隨著環境的變遷,促使企業朝向國際化發展,因此,在全球化競爭的趨勢下,僅靠單個企業資源或是區域性供應鏈資源,已無法面對如此激烈的競爭市場。且企業為了因應客戶訂單不斷的湧入,在既有的製造廠區中,無法完成所有訂單的需求數量,考量整體環境與利益因素後,必定會採取增加製造廠區或外包策略,以擴大本身的產能,提升企業的接單能力,以免錯失訂單承接的機會,企業所面臨的問題也延伸到複雜的多廠區的產能規劃問題。廠區因為製造特性與產品特性的不同,廠區並非可以生產任一產品,顧客所發出一種或多種產品類型的訂單,此時企業必須考量訂單上與工廠可生產的產品種類是否相同,再合理的運用有限的產能生產訂單需求的產品。因此,當企業在進行全球運籌管理或供應鏈管理時,如何進行全球分工且在有限資源下提供顧客最滿意的服務,是目前企業所面臨之重要課題。 本研究旨在探討在CTO環境下,考量如何承接各地通路商所提供顧客的確定性(包含已允諾與未允諾)訂單與具有機率因素之潛在性訂單,並分析不同組裝廠區與模組廠區間的生產特性與限制因素,提出從訂單承接至多廠區產能配置的整體流程,運用有限的產能於適合的訂單,並隨著週期訂單的改變調整產能配置計畫,以滿足顧客需求。流程中並建構ㄧ訂單承接與多廠區產能配置模式,利用此模式求得對企業而言利潤最大的訂單組合與各組裝廠區與各模組廠區產能配置,提供後續的短期產能規劃與生產排程建議順序。並針對潛在性訂單發生變化時,對訂單承接組合以及各組裝廠區與模組廠區的產能配置有何影響,並快速有效配置廠區資源,達到整體利潤最高的目標。


The change of the environment makes enterprises step on globalization. As a result, enterprises relying on the sole proprietorship resource or local supply chain can’t survive in the trend of globalization. Besides, enterprises can’t digest the huge ongoing orders requested by clients immediately and have to consider the possibility of out sourcing in order to expand their capacity and order taking capacity. However, enterprises face the problem of multiple factories capacity scheduling. Factories might be unable to manufacture specified product because of the difference of characteristics. On the other hand, enterprises must consider the feasibility that client’s orders is in accordance with the factories. Therefore, it’s the major concern for enterprise to understand the global resource deployment as well as provide satisfying customer service as developing supply chain management. The purpose of the research focuses on how to synchronize the distributor’s orders (and potential) providing to clients under the CTO environment. Besides, we analyze production characteristics and the restrictions among the different assembly factory districts and the molding factory districts , propose a pattern of capacity deployment for the single and multiple orders, apply the limited capacity to suitable orders, and adjust the capacity deployment with cycle orders in order to meet customer needs. On the other hand, we utilize the pattern to compute the set of orders with maximum profits for the enterprises and capacity deployment among the different assembly factory districts and the molding factory districts. Consequently, we provide the short-term capacity plan and manufacturing scheduling suggestion .Finally, we probe into the influence of capacity deployment among factories under the change of potential orders and develop an effective solution to integrate resource and maximize the profits.




