  • 學位論文


The Components of Motel’s Spatial Attraction

指導教授 : 莊修田


在嚴峻大環境考驗下亦能異軍突起的汽車旅館業,在台灣為何有一支獨秀的優勢?相關研究指出消費者之購買決策是一種多重屬性的決策行為,本研究尋找各個足以產生購買決策的吸引法則,藉由釐清此決策行為,不再盲目憶測消費者的決策心理,將使業者或設計者更能掌握及傾聽消費者的需求,不致浪費無謂的財力及物力。 本研究將探討汽車旅館空間中的吸引力,其研究目的為:1、分析吸引力中推力、拉力的組成內涵。2、分析汽車旅館空間的吸引力因素構成之描述性內容。3、探討個人屬性的不同,其吸引力的構成是否有顯著的差異。4、分析並比較不同屬性對吸引力構成因素彼此間的相關程度。5、「個人屬性」、「消費態度」、「吸引力構成」對「再惠顧意願」有顯著的預測力。 研究方法以質、量兩階段進行,第一階段以質性立意抽樣訪談,分析吸引力中之推力及拉力的組成內涵。第二階段對有去過汽車旅館的樣本進行問卷調查,將有效問卷588份,透過統計軟體SPSS分析測量,研究發現: 1、吸引力由「推力」、「拉力」兩種力量組成,其中「推力」的構成 有:消費屬性、心理動機;而「拉力」分別為:空間印象、行銷與 服務因素。 2、消費態度共萃取出5個因素,分別為「感官享樂型」、「負向認知 型」、「時 尚開放型」、「謹慎經濟型」、「情趣私密型」等; 吸引力構成萃取出6個因素,分別為「客房設計」、「行銷服 務」、「情趣設施」、「地利氛圍」、「外觀門面」、「餐飲備 品」等。 3、不同屬性之受測者,其對「消費態度」、「吸引力構成」、「再惠 顧意願」之部份因素,有顯著差異,而對婚姻狀態,結果無明顯差 異。 4、「消費態度」與「吸引力構成」達顯著相關。 5、迴歸結果可知「消費態度」、「吸引力構成」對「再惠顧意願」有 顯著之預測力。 而推翻假設:「個人屬性」對汽車旅館之「再惠顧 意願」有顯著的預測力。 本研究結果可提供室內設計界及業界,了解吸引消費者的因素何在,能提供自身哪些優勢,作為商業空間規劃與設計上之參考。


Why do motels show their outstanding business performances in Taiwan under such an economy depression? Some researches indicate that the purchase decision of a customer is a multi-attribute decision-making behavior. In this thesis, what attracts customers making their purchase decision is investigated. When the decision-making behaviors of customers are clarified, the industry or designer does not have to suppose what decision mentality of customers is; moreover, the customers’ demands can be understand, which causes a saving of finances and substance for an industry. In this study, spacial attraction of a motel is investigated, purposes of this research includes: 1. Analyze “push” and “pull” formation of an attraction. 2. Analyze the formation of an attraction for a motel space. 3. To explore the difference on attraction formation under different personal properties. 4. Analyze and compare the correlation of the formation of an attraction under different personal properties. 5. Study the effect of “personal property”, “consumption attitude”, and “attraction formation” on “re-patronage intention”. The research methods are divided into qualitative and quantitative parts: “Push” and “pull” formation of an attraction have been analyzed by using a qualitative in-depth interview; 588 questionnaires have been analyzed under quantitative correlation. The analysis results are as follows. 1. Attraction consists of “push” and “pull” parts. “Push” parts contain consumer attribute and psychological motivation; “pull” parts contain space image, marketing, and service. 2. “Consumption attitude” comprises five factors including “sensual pleasure type”, “negative disagreement type”, “open fashion type”, “prudent and economical type”, and “interesting and private type”. The formation of an attraction comprises 6 factors, including “room design”, “marketing and service”, “emotional infrastructure”, “place and atmosphere”, “exterior facade”, “catering and spare”. 3. The subjects with different attributes have significant differences on “consumption attitude”, “attraction formation”, and “re-patronage intention”, whereas they have no difference on marital status. 4. “Consumption attitude” and “attraction formation” show a significant correlation. 5. Regression results suggest that “consumption attitude” and “attraction formation” remarkably affect “re-patronage intention”. This result repudiates the assumption that “personal property” has great effect on “re-patronage intention” to a motel. Base on the finding, this research provides the factors attracting the customers that can be used as reference for interior designers for further motel design.


attraction consumption attitude space image motel


林佳慧(2006),MOTEL:城市中的誘惑 ,淡江大學建築學系碩士論文。


林宸嫻(2011)。從五感觀點探討消費者對下午茶空間之 美感反應與滿意度關係 —以「好樣棒棒」為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100847
