  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 陳宜棻


資訊爆炸的時代,從眾行為是日常生活中極易觀察到的現象,例如:時尚與流行、搶購限量商品、投資股票等,常引發群眾一窩蜂跟進。目前各領域對於從眾行為皆有研究,但多為探討從眾行為所造成的影響,對於引發從眾行為動機的研究卻付之闕如。 在網際網路高度發展的時代,C2C 模式電子商務充份利用網際網路特性,提供小型買家賣家便利的交易平台,這種商業模式正快速擴張中,網路上的消費者行為已受到產學界高度重視。影響決策者行為的動機多元而複雜,其中以個體的心理層面為主導因素,然而,無論是心理學或經濟學的從眾行為研究,皆忽略不同人格特質與心理因素對於社會行為所產生的影響。因此,本研究的研究目的在於:(1)探析網路消費者的人格特質如何引發從眾動機;(2)不同的從眾動機如何影響網路拍賣的從眾行為;(3)進一步從心理層面出發,探討個人的人格特質是否會在網路拍賣裡發生從眾行為,並且在決策過程中造成影響。 本研究的實驗設計以網頁與線上問卷搭配呈現,刺激物為網路拍賣手機,分為三種不同功能的網頁,每種功能又分為優與劣兩種網頁,功能優者搭配低評價,功能劣者搭配高評價,讓受試者依照個人需求進入不同功能的網頁,並進行問卷填答。結果顯示(1) 神經質、和善性和嚴謹自律性分數較高的受試者易受賣場評價影響,購買時會跟隨大眾的偏好;(2) 外向性、經驗開放性分數較高的受試者傾向依照需求在網路拍賣上購物,而不會產生從眾行為;(3) 傾向有神經質的人所引發的資訊性從眾動機與規範性從眾動機正向影響網路從眾行為;(4)傾向外向性、經驗開放性的人所引發的資訊性從眾動機和規範性從眾動機會反向影響網路從眾行為。 根據研究結果,人格特質顯著影響消費者進行網路購物的從眾動機,從而選擇不同評價的賣場。本研究建議,行銷活動應著重於消費者心理,依據網路消費者的人格特質經營賣場,並重視商品品質與關係建立,以形塑良好評價。


Conformity behavior is common in the cyber world because we can see many fads occur in our daily life in terms of fashion and popularity. Many previous researches only focus on result instead of the cause, which in the key point we need to investigate on. There are many easy interfaces such as e-bay and yahoo auctions which provide sellers to sell items online. Such kind of business spreads rapidly and attracts many buyer’s attention. The study conducts a questionnaire survey on cell phone online we can see the motivation of buyers who purchase phone online. Recently, researches on conformity behavior were performed in various fields with inspect to physical factors while mental factors that lead to the conformity behavior were hardly discussed. As the behavior of decision maker is normally affected by the mental factor, no matter in terms of psychological or economical perspective, the previous researches which ignore the impact resulted from the mental perspective of individuals, therefore, make great difference between this research and the previous ones. This study looks insight into the impact of conformity motive driven by the different personal characteristics upon the conformity behavior through online auctions. What makes internet worth discussing is the anonymity of online users .And the purposes of the study attempt conformity pattern of online decision making as well as personality influence and to discuss the factors and motivations influencing conformity, and to provide suggestions that help online marketers exploit the power of crowds to promote online sales. The result shows that persons with high Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness scores love to follow other people’s step and are easily affected by ratings on online auction. Nevertheless, persons with high Extroversion, Openness scores are less susceptible to online conformity and always make decision for their own needs. One may deeply see that personalities play important roles on behavior pattern upon online decision making.


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