  • 學位論文


The Effect of Environmental Factors in Water-Accessible Environments on Subjective Evaluation

指導教授 : 謝明燁


近年來,由於生活水準的提昇,人們對於環境與生活品質的要求也相對提高,開始希望能在都市叢林中擁有一處休憩、喘息的空間,因此許多親水公園與親水環境於焉誕生。回顧國內有關親水環境的研究中,大多著重於區域性的規劃、水域與都市之間的互動關係,以及已完成的個案評估等等,卻多半忽略了使用者對親水環境的感受,本研究欲藉由探討使用者的主觀感受,瞭解親水環境中各種因子與使用者主觀評價之間的關聯性,作為未來親水環境規劃設計時的參考。 本研究在方法上是利用主觀評價問卷將受測者的主觀感受抽出。再依據受測者在各條件下的回答結果進行變異數分析,以瞭解各因子對主觀評價的影響。本研究的第一階段乃探討使用者對各項親水環境因子的主觀態度為何,再於第二階段將受測者較為關注的項目─「是否有樹」、「是否有椅子」以及「河道寬窄」運用於四類親水環境虛擬場景當中,作為問卷調查的主要因子。最後,在第三階段,再將影響最大的「是否有樹」因子,細分為「喬木」、「灌木」以及「花草」等因子,以探討植栽類型對使用者主觀評價的影響。 本研究的研究結果如下所示: 一、在親水環境元素中,「舒適」、「安全」以及「自然有關」的條件是人們最重視的;而「硬體設施」的設置並非親水環境的重要構成項目。 二、在四類親水環境的條件下,「是否有樹」因子,會影響受測者對四類親水環境的主觀評價;「是否有椅子」會影響受測者對堤岸與水塘類型親水環境的主觀評價;「河道寬窄」會影響受測者對河流類型親水環境的主觀評價。 三、在溪流類型的親水環境當中,「植栽類型」的不同會影響受測者對親水環境的主觀評價,其中以「喬木」類型評價最高,其次為「花草」,而「灌木」的評價最差。而在河流類型的親水環境當中,「植栽類型」的不同會影響受測者對寧靜程度的主觀評價,在寧靜程度上,評價高低依序為「灌木」、「喬木」與「花草」。


In recent years, with the raise living standards, people’ demands for environmental and life quality have been increased as well. They get the wish of owning some space for leisure in the urban jungle. For this reason, many water-accessible parks and water-accessible environments come into being. In review of the domestic research related to water-accessible environments, it is found that most studies focus on the regional planning, the interaction between water areas and urban area, as well as evaluation of the completed cases, while mostly ignoring the users’ feeling about water-accessible environments. This study aims to, by investigating the users’ personal feeling, know the relevance between various factors of the water-accessible environment and the subjective evaluation of the users, in order to offer reference for future water-accessible environmental planning and design. As for the methodology, this study takes the subjective assessment questionnaires to extract the subjective feelings of the respondents, and then conducts variance analysis to the results got from the respondents under various conditions, with the purpose to know the influence of the factors on the subjective assessment. The first stage of this study is to explore the subjective views of the users towards various factors of water-accessible environments. In the second stage, this study applies the most concerned items of the respondents---“trees”, “chairs” and “width of the river” into four virtual scenes of water-accessible environments, taking them as the main factors of the questionnaires. Finally, in the third stage, this study subdivides the most significant factor---“trees” into “arbors”, “shrubs” and “flowers & grasses” factors for investigating the effect of the planting types on the subjective assessment of the users. The findings of this study are listed as the following: 1. Among all elements of the water-accessible environments, “comfortable”, “safe” and “nature-related” conditions are most valued by people, while the layout of the “hardware facilities” are not the major components of the water-accessible environments. 2. Under the conditions of four types of water-accessible environments, the issue of “trees” will affect the respondents’ subjective assessment on all these water-accessible environments; the issue of “chairs” will affect their subjective assessment on the water-accessible environment of river banks and pools; and the issue of “width of the river” will affect their subjective assessment on the water-accessible environments of rivers. 3. In the water-accessible environments of streams, different “planting types” will affect the respondent’ subjective assessment on the water-accessible environments, among which “arbors” is most highly valued, followed by “flowers & grasses” and “shrubs” in sequence. While in the water-accessible environments of rivers, different “planting types” will affect their subjective assessment on the tranquility level, among which “shrubs” is most highly valued, followed by “arbors” and “flowers & grasses” in sequence.


仙田 滿著,楊雅玲譯,2005,環境設計的方法,六和出版社


