  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Peer Coaching to Develop A Secondary Science Teacher’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究旨在探討一位國中自然科教師運用同儕教練以協助其發展學科教學知識(PCK),以及學生對於教師學科教學改變的知覺,最後探討同儕教練對其PCK成長之內涵的影響。本研究為行動研究法,由研究者和校內的三位自然科教師組成同儕教練小組,並選擇研究者所任教的一個八年級班級(32名國中生)實施理化課程教學,而研究期間則定於98學年度第一學期(自98年9月至99年1月止)。資料蒐集包含量化和質性資料,質性資料有學生的學習日記、對學生的訪談記錄、教學札記、會議記錄,以及觀賞教學錄影之同儕回饋和研究者的省思等;量化資料則以「學生對教師教學知識的知覺問卷(SPOTK)」進行統計上的t-test分析。 研究結果顯示,研究者初始的教學較為單調和貧乏,PCK的變化小,在經歷二個多月的同儕教練模式後,除了「 學科專業知識」未達統計上的顯著差異外,其餘的三個向度,「教學策略」、「教學表徵」和「學生知識與評量」均達顯著差異水準: (一)在教學策略方面:增加了許多實作活動與分組教學,並能適時的運用模型輔助教學以及提供科學活動讓學生繼續研究科學。 (二)在教學表徵方面:更常運用flash等多媒體輔助教學,也常使用真實事物與示範教學,以及說故事方式等解釋科學概念。 (三)在學科專業知識:雖然學生無法明顯感覺到教師的學科專業知識是否增加,但已經增加了科學歷史和科學對社會的影響這兩方面的教學內容。 (四)在學生知識與評量方面:不再只是使用一般的考卷作評量,教師已能運用多種方式評量學生對教材的理解程度。 另外在實施同儕教練方面,研究者亦有所收獲:(一)同儕教練可以解決教學困境,豐富學科教學知識;(二)同儕教練可以促進情感交流,減少教師的孤立狀態;(三)同儕教練可以提昇自己省思與檢討的能力;(四)同儕教練是增進教師PCK成長的有效途徑。最後再依據研究發現與結論對教師、學校與未來相關研究提出若干建議。


The purposes of this study are to investigate how a junior high school science teacher develops his pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) with peer coaching method, to assess students' perception of the change in their teacher's teaching style, and to examine the influence of peer coaching on this teacher's PCK enrichment.This study was set in an eighth grade class taught by the researcher in Dasi Junior High School during September, 2009 to January, 2010. With the use of action research, this peer coaching study was designed by this science teacher with the assistance of three colleagues in Dasi Junior High School . Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used in this study. The qualitative data includes: the records of the interviews and feedback from students, the researcher's teaching log, the minutes from discussion with his fellow teachers, and the comments and feedback from his colleagues on his demonstration teaching video. Quantitative data mainly focus on a statistical t-test analysis of “The students' Perceptions of Teacher's Knowledge (SPOTK).” The researcher’s previous teaching style was monotonous and dull, so the PCK changes were small. However, with the application of peer coaching for two months, the result of this research has shown that: despite the “subject-matter knowledge” did not come to a statistically significant difference, the other three aspects ”instructional repertoire”, ”representational repertoire” and ” knowledge of how to assess students’ understanding:” all reached the level of significant difference as below. 1. In instructional repertoire: The researcher increased more hands-on classroom activities and group teaching activities for his students. He applied models as teaching aids, and he also designed some science projects for his students to study. 2. In representational repertoire: To make his students understand the abstract scientific concepts, the researcher frequently applied multimedia-aids, such as Flash. To explain the concepts, he gave many examples and demonstrations, and he also told stories to help students understand the concepts. 3. In subject-matter knowledge: Although the students were not aware how much subject-matter knowledge their science teacher has been increasing, they did notice that their teacher increased explanation of the history of science and the impact of science on society. 4. In knowledge of how to assess students’ understanding: The general tests and exams are no longer the only means to assess, the researcher and his colleagues use variety ways to assess their students' understanding on the material level. In the implementation of peer coaching, the researcher has found out:1. Peer coaching solves the teaching dilemma and gives pedagogical content knowledge enrichment. 2. Peer coaching contributes to emotional communication, and it reduces teacher's isolation in the classroom. 3. Peer coaching enhances teachers' abilities to reflect and review their teaching styles. 4. Peer coaching is an effective approach to enhance the growth of teachers' PCK.In the end, the researcher gave a number of suggestions to science teachers, science education in junior high schools, and future researches based on his study result and conclusions.




