  • 學位論文


Comparison of VaR for SRI, SINdex Index and Three Market Indexes

指導教授 : 胡為善


近年來,企業社會責任(CSR)的概念快速在全球興起,間接帶動了國際間社會責任型投資(SRI)的發展。另一方面,受到全球暖化與人類對替代能源的需求,促使許多國際金融市場開始推展SRI 基金,並以SRI指數作為投資的基準。在SRI指數發行後,標準普爾公司則於1998年發行相對於SRI指數的邪惡指數,其成分股包含菸草、酒類、博弈與軍火四大產業。有鑑於投資業經常將SRI指數、邪惡指數與大盤指數的表現一併做比較,本研究希望藉由比較SRI指數、邪惡指數與大盤指數風險值(VaR)的大小,了解何者為投資人心中最理想的投資標的,並找出最適風險值模型。 本研究標的共五檔指數,分別為:Calvert社會指數、ISE邪惡指數、標準普爾500指數、道瓊工業指數與那斯達克指數,並運用歷史模擬法、蒙地卡羅模擬法與單變量GARCH模型來衡量此五檔指數在五種不同持有期間下(短、中、長期)風險值的大小,最後再以回顧測試法檢驗上述三個模型的準確性,做為判定最適模型的依據。 研究結果顯示,Calvert社會指數與美國三大盤指數的走勢呈現相似的情況,受大盤指數的影響較深;ISE邪惡指數的走勢則異於大盤指數,並呈現大幅度波動的現象。風險值估計的部分,歷史模擬法、蒙地卡羅模擬法與GARCH模型在99%的信賴水準下,ISE邪惡指數的風險值皆大於Calvert社會指數。在三檔大盤指數中,皆以那斯達克指數風險值最大,道瓊工業指數風險值最小。而Calvert社會指數與ISE邪惡指數風險值的差距會隨著持有期間的拉長,而呈現擴大的情況,意味ISE邪惡指數的最大損失值會隨著時間的拉長而明顯向上攀升。此外,歷史模擬法受歷史資料特性的影響深,易產生高估風險值的情形,蒙地卡羅模擬法與GARCH模型對於本研究之五檔指數報酬率呈現非常態分配、高狹峰與厚尾的現象,均能適切的描述。本研究認為,Calvert社會指數適合保守型的投資人做為長期投資的投資標的,而ISE邪惡指數較適合風險偏好型的投資人,並做高風險資本準備。


Along with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes popular and popular, the Social Responsibility Investment(SRI) has rapidly developed over the past decades. On the other hand, the demand of seeking alternative energy increases with the emphasis on green environment and global warming phenomenon continuously appears. Consequently, many investment bankers issue SRI funds and use SRI indexes as the investment standard. However, in 1998, the S&P Company issued an SINdex index, which is completely opposite to SRI index. An SINdex index composes of various kinds of industries such as tobacco, alcoholic, gambling and weapons. Contrary to the investment practitioners usually compared SRI, SINdex index with the performance of market indexes, this study compares the Value at Risks (VaRs) of SRI, SINdex index and three popular American stock market indexes. Furthermore, this work attempts to find which VaR model is the most appropriate one to measure the risk of value. This study uses three VaR models to measure the risk of the following five indexes: Calvert social, ISE SINdex, S&P500, Dow Jones and NASDAQ indexes during different lengths of holding periods(i.e. short-, medium-, and long-term periods). This work also uses lookback testing method to examine the accuracy of VaR model. This investigation finds that the trend of Calvert social index was similar to those of three market indexes. While that of SINdex index was different from those of others as SINdex index fluctuates more heavily than others. The empirical results also show that, in the 99% confidence level, the VaR of SINdex index is higher than Calvert social index by using Historical Simulation, Monte Carlo Simulation and GARCH model. Among three American market indexes, the VaR of NASDAQ index is the highest and Dow Jones index is the lowest. Additionally, this study finds that, as the length of the holding period increases, the difference between the VaR of Calvert social and ISE SINdex indexes increases, suggesting that the loss value increases along with the length of time period increases. This work finds that the GARCH model is the most appropriate one to measure VaR because Historical simulation method is easy to overestimate VaR, and the Monte Carlo simulation produces “Model risk” which needs much time to consume. This study also concludes that Calvert social index is appropriate for investors to hold for long-term investment.


