  • 學位論文

雜誌內容屬性與版面視覺意象之研究 -以日文mina米娜時尚雜誌為例

A Study of the Attributes of Magazine Contents and the Visual Image of Magazine Layout-The Case of mina magazine

指導教授 : 林昆範


女性流行時尚雜誌在出版市場異軍突起,其中又以日系雜誌為全球資訊的重要據點,值得同為漢字文化的我國引為借鏡。本研究針對雜誌的不同單元,探討其設計元素與感官的關聯,並依視覺上所引起的心理意識,歸納出流暢的版面構成與資訊傳達邏輯。本研究主要由「文獻調查法」的過程中,歸納出版面編排的原則,並於後續進行雜誌樣本之視覺檢測與統計分析方式。 為瞭解不同類型的雜誌單元,其編排設計是否有所差異,本研究選定同步發行日系原版與國際中文版的《mina米娜時尚雜誌》,並將研究分為兩個階段進行。第一階段採逐期紀錄樣本之視覺檢測資料方式,以分析其版面風格與樣式之平均數值。第二階段則針對「拘束性、動靜性、跳躍性、資訊量、文字量、標題性、目的性、單元性、色彩性及字形性」十項設計元素進行視覺意象的分析,以比較各單元內容編排之差異及形成原因。 根據本研究結果,女性流行時尚雜誌共分為「流行話題、時尚、生活風格、休閒、家政與其他單元」六項單元。整體而言,不同的單元單元各有其代表的編排策略,包含版面構成、圖文整合及色彩規劃,甚至連紙質都存在著明顯的差異。藉由結果可推論出刊物內容屬性、編排風格、版面樣式、編排元素、視覺意象之相互關聯,證明各種雜誌內容,都有其特有的閱讀習性以及視覺偏好。透過各種不同的編排元素之探究,達成版面視覺的差異分析,解析女性流行時尚雜誌所蘊含的視覺意象,以探究最適讀者的版面編排設計法則。


Women’s fashion magazines have emerged as a key player in the publishing industry. In particular, Japanese magazines are viewed as an important source of global information, which may provide a useful benchmark for Taiwan because both countries have inherited the traditional Chinese character system. This study investigates the relationship between elements of design and their perception on the various units of magazine contents, as well as provides principles of smooth layout and information communication based on visual perception and its ensuing psychological awareness. To that end, the study adopted the method of literature review whereby the principles of layout are developed. In addition, the visual examination and statistical analysis are conducted based on data collected from a renowned magazine. Mina magazine, a top Japanese fashion magazine of women which is also synchronously issued in Taiwan, was selected in this study to find out whether the editing and layout for different units of magazine content are significantly different. There are two stages in this study. At the first stage, visual examination and encoding of the layout styles and patterns were implemented to generate their mean values. At the second stage, the perceived visual images were generated for the ten elements of design, namely constrained, trends, jumping, information, characters, title, purpose, unit, color and shape, to compare the differences among units’ layout and their causes. This study finds that fashion magazines of women can be categorized into six units: popular topic, fashion, life style, recreation, housekeeping and other units. Overall, each unit has its own specific strategy of layout, such as layout structure, proportion of graphic and text, color and the quality of paper. This study concludes that there exist relationships among the attributes of magazine content, editing style, layout pattern, layout elements and visual image. Specifically, different magazine contents have their specific reading and visual preferences. Therefore, magazine editors are advised to attend to these layout differences and analyze the attraction and vitality expressed in the women’s fashion magazines in order to better design magazine layout.


fashion magazines women visual image layout




