  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Presentation Style of Internet Advertising and Its Effect : A Social Network Service Case

指導教授 : 黃文宗


在網際網路的Web 2.0時代中,社交網路服務的社群力量被日趨重視,因此社交網路服務也成為網路廣告的新戰場。在網路廣告形式上,如何達到預期的廣告效果,又能保有瀏覽時的愉悅感,便是網路廣告在社交網路服務上的挑戰。本研究旨在分析社交網路服務廣告形式,探討使用者對其廣告的態度和評價,及瞭解使用者屬性對廣告效果的影響。透過文獻探討和問卷調查來分析台灣使用者常用的社交網路服務網站其中的廣告表現形式。研究歸納出的SNS廣告表現形式有橫幅廣告、豐富媒體廣告、文字廣告、Widget、置入式廣告、展開式廣告、口碑行銷,以t檢定、單因子變異數分析,和多元迴歸分析檢驗使用者對各廣告形式的態度及使用者屬性對其之影響。研究結果為七種廣告表現形式在平均分數的排序依序是豐富媒體廣告、口碑行銷、展開式廣告、置入式廣告、Widget、橫幅廣告、文字廣告。使用者屬性會對廣告效果產生部分影響,結果分述如下: 一、 不同的性別及好友清單人數多寡對廣告效果沒有顯著差異。 二、 置入式廣告在不同的年齡干擾下,對廣告效果有顯著差異。年齡越低,對於置入式廣告的評價越高。 三、 展開式廣告在不同的職業干擾下,對廣告效果有顯著差異,學生比社會人士更有參與的興趣。 四、 橫幅廣告在不同的使用時間干擾下,對廣告效果有顯著差異,平均每日使用時間越長的使用者,對於橫幅廣告及展開式廣告的評價越低。 社交網路服務廣告的設計,在訊息傳遞上需具備簡單明瞭的準則,設計表現上須具備搶眼度,加強和使用者之間的互動性以吸引使用者的參與興趣,以上研究結果以期能提供給行銷企劃人員與設計人員更多樣的思考方向。


In the age of Web 2.0, social network service is emphasizing more power on the community, so it has become a new battleground of Internet advertising. In the form of Internet advertising, how to achieve the desired advertising effect while retaining a sense of the pleasure of browsing, is the challenge of social network services. This study’s target is to analyze the social network service advertising, the attitude of users, evaluation of its advertising, and understanding the user attributes of the advertising effect. This study analyzed the social network service’s advertising through the literature reviews and surveys of users in Taiwan. It concluded the SNS advertising’s forms with banner, rich media ads, text ads, widget, product placement ads, display ads, word-of-mouth-marketing, and analyzed with t test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis to find out the user’s attitude between the various forms of advertising and user attributes to its effect. The results for these seven styles of advertising performance ranking of the average score is rich media advertising, word of mouth marketing, display ads, product placement ads, widget, banner, and text ads. User attributes will effect some advertising effectiveness, the results are as follows: 1. Different gender and number of persons friends list didn’t have significant difference on advertising effectiveness. 2. Product placement ads in the interference of different ages, having significant differences on advertising effectiveness. The lower ages leads to the higher evaluation of the product placement ads. 3. Display ads in different occupational interference had significant differences on advertising effectiveness, students are more involved than the public interest. 4. The banner’s advertising effects in different time of using SNS had significant differences. The user use SNS the longer in daily life, the lower evaluation with banner and display ads. Social networking services and advertising design need to mention with simple guidelines, and keep the eye-catching performance degree, and strengthen the interaction between products and users in order to attract the user's interest to participate. The research will provide to the marketing planner and designers with a variety of thinking.


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黃國書(2008),Web2.0之網路平台資訊分析—以Social Network Service為例,國立台灣大學。


