  • 學位論文

建築廢料再利用與基地貯水之研究 -以混凝土塊為例

A Study of Reusing Construction Concrete Blocks Waste as the Retention of Site Water

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xadfa024)


中文摘要 依聯合國報導,全球將於2025年陷入水資源危機。台灣南北長、東西窄,地勢高陡,河川短促,雖雨量充沛,但卻難以存留水資源,故時常發生缺水問題。加以台灣人因水源取得方便、水價便宜,所以養成浪費用水的習慣。因此,如何有效利用水資源,成為當前之重要課題。雨水貯集的方式除天然森林、大地涵養外,尚有水庫、埤塘、水池…等。水庫涉及自然生態改變問題,常為人詬病;分散的埤塘、水池等,除佔用土地面積大外,又阻礙都市發展及土地開發。因此,新的雨水貯集系統必須被開發。經濟的發展,使台灣自60年代起,開始大量使用鋼筋混凝土構築建物。至今,許多建物均面臨老舊需被拆除的情況。拆除後的廢料,將造成嚴重的環保問題。 綜合以上因素,本研究擬將埤塘貯水原理,結合經濟性填充材料(回收混凝土石塊),研發新的雨水貯集系統,應用於都市特定地表下,以達到貯水及減廢的目的。主要研究方法為實證實驗;其步驟為:1.文獻回顧;2. 貯水測試試驗分析;3. 貯水正式試驗分析;4.開發都市貯水系統應用例。 主要研究成果為:1. 廢棄混凝土塊之貯水效能;2. 廢棄混凝土塊之直接應用;3.廢棄物減量;4.避免二次能源消耗;5.善用水資源;6.都市廢棄混凝土塊貯水設施應用設計例建議。


Abstract Reports from the United Nations claims that the world will experience a water resource crisis by 2025. The elongated shape of the island of Taiwan creates steep terrain with short rivers. Although rainwater is abundant, water is still scarce because of the difficulties of water conservation. In addition, Taiwanese people are not in the habit of saving water, because water is inexpensive and easily obtained. As a result, the elective usage of water resources has become an important issue. The preservation of rainwater can be accomplished not only through the forests and soil, but also with dams, ecological ponds, and pools. Dams are often criticized for changing natural habitats, and scattered ecological ponds and pools occupy large areas that hinder urban development. For these reasons, new rainwater collection systems have to be developed. Since the 1960s’, during the period of Taiwan’s economic expansion, buildings have been constructed with steel reinforced concrete. Now, the old buildings facing demolition pose a significant environmental threat due to the difficulty in disposing of construction waste. For the above mentioned reasons, we developed the new concept of rainwater collection systems beneath the cities with recycled concrete blocks. The methods used in this study are as follows: 1. literature review; 2. test analysis of water retention ; 3. experimental analysis of water retention; 4. developing the examples of urban water collection facilities The main results are: 1. water collection efficiency of waste concrete blocks; 2. direct application of waste concrete blocks; 3. reduction of waste concrete blocks; 4. suggestions for the design of urban water collection facilities using waste concrete blocks.




