  • 學位論文


Energy consumption analysis and energy saving control of sewage treatment plants by using ICT and simulation–Taking Taoyuan North District Water Resources Center as an example

指導教授 : 施武陽


污水處理廠是一個高耗能行業。傳統的污水處理廠使用大量的耗電設備,因為它專注於去除效率和操作靈活性。因此,如何有效降低能耗,優化能源使用效率已成為改進的主要方向。 以桃園北區水資源中心為例,本研究利用三個主要的架構:水質水量與能源監測、使用簡單模型模擬曝氣能耗以及利用動態模擬分析桃北廠廠區之能耗,並同時進行節能的控制,首先,建置一套ICT系統於廠區進行廠區鼓風機電能以及水質包括溶解氧與氨氮等等的監測,並透過網頁操作介面與無線傳輸至線上雲端資料庫管理和接收數據,包括具有即時/歷史數據記錄和遠程警報通知之功能,然而,利用簡易模型分析推估BOD氧化所需之氧氣量與TKN硝化作用所需之氧氣量,作為曝氣能耗之計算,分析其由簡易模型推估之節能空間,最後利用GPS-X建立一套桃園北區水資源中心實際廠區之模型,並進行動態模擬分析將模擬結果之水質與實際值比對,進而推估桃北廠廠區之整體能源消耗量,並對廠區能耗進行敏感度分析,評估廠區之節能空間節能策略。 以2018年期間之數據資料顯示,透過進流與出流之水量、BOD以及TKN並利用簡易模型推估其節能控間約為50%,而後利用GPS-X進行動態模擬分析,將實際廠區之物理條件參數與進水特性參數加入,將出流水水量與水質進行比對吻合,評估其實際廠區整體之節能空間為20%,再深入探討進行敏感度的分析,推算出在每一季中每下降1mg∕L的DO可以下降5~7%的能耗,並且利用模擬分析之結果進行節能策略之訂定,達到能源使用最佳化之目的。


In traditional sewage treatment plant that uses a lot of power-consuming equipment because it focused on the removal efficiency and operating flexibility. Therefore, how to effectively reduce energy consumption and optimize energy efficiency has become the primary of improvement. In Taoyuan North District Water Resources Centre, there are three parts in this research: energy monitoring, use a simple model to simulation of aeration energy consumption and dynamic simulation to analysis energy consumption and control energy-saving. First, an ICT system that composes of current and water sensors is built in the plant. Therefore, monitoring of the DO and ammonia nitrogen instantly. In addition, we can manage and receive data through the web page operation interface. However, use the simple model to analysis the estimate the amount of oxygen required for BOD oxidation and the amount of oxygen required for TKN as a calculation of aeration energy consumption. At last, built a model in GPS-X, and dynamic simulation and analysis to compare the water quality of the simulation results with the actual data, then estimate the overall energy consumption, and analyze the sensitivity of the energy consumption to estimate the possible space of energy saving. According to the data in 2018, through the inflow, BOD and TKN and using a simple model to estimate its energy-saving space is 50%. And then, using GPS-X for dynamic simulation analysis to match the simulation value with the actual water quality, estimate the possible space of energy-saving is 20%. Then we use sensitivity analysis and estimate that if decrease 1 mg/L DO, we can reduce energy consumption by 5 to 7%. At last, through the result of the analysis, we can set a suitable energy-saving strategy.


ICT Remote monitoring GPS-X Database Energy consumption simulation


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