  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 陳宇進


本研究從卡爾維諾在《看不見的城市》裡的一段文字出發,引出並闡明了時間為一種連續流動的狀態,和城市空間作為時間流的載體,以及城市空間在時間的琢磨下,可被多重閱讀的可能性等相關概念。基地則選定一處隱藏在都市街廓裡的市場空間-新竹市東門公有零售市場,作為檢視論述的一致性,和落實上述設計概念的實際場域。   為了將上述概念最終能具體地運用在建築設計上,在研究過程中,首先,透過幾個具備空間性和實驗性的藝術裝置,與相關的建築論述來回辯證,並引發城市空間作為時間的載體的本體性與非地點的討論,以及時間可被多重閱讀的虛實關係;接著,再藉由三個具備公共性的建築案例分析,進而發現前面論述在空間操作上的潛力,可以透過建築秩序的安排、空間連續性的營造,以及蒙太奇等手法,被發掘出來。   正式進入基地後,首先,將大的時間軸攤開,擷取其中數個時間點後疊合檢視,使得看不見的重新被看見,看得見的也將因此脈絡更清晰;接著,在空間分析上,則試圖運用凱文˙林區的五種都市元素和非地點的觀點,分別從不同的都市局部,拼湊整體。除了希望建構更具普遍性的城市意象,更意圖從不同的角度和觀點,回看基地的價值及潛力,進而發掘都市空間再生更多的可能性。   綜合上述概念和分析,進而得出一個設計提問:都市空間如何透過自身的敘事能力,成為時間流轉的索引?亦即如何在空間中感受時間的流動,並透過讀到的時間,重新認識一座城市。因此在接下來的設計策略和文本,將緊扣著城市空間作為地點與非地點,時間的多重閱讀性等幾個核心概念,和從三個建築案例得到的啟發,以及基地分析獲得的線索。透過設計操作的過程,將基地與城市,編織為一個有脈絡的整體,讓城市空間能夠成為時間的索引。   本研究企圖運用時間的能力,在閱讀一座城市時,發現新的觀看角度和可能性。除此之外,將設計放置在都市裡一塊具有豐富的時間和空間脈絡的基地上來操作,則是希望能夠使設計論述更真實地被檢視及驗證。最終,題目中的4.0 代表的只是個過程,而非結束,希望藉由這次的研究成果,未來在面對相同類型的都市空間議題時,《東門市場4.0》能提供一個不一樣的視角作為參考。


I started my thesis by quoting a phrase from “Invisible cities”, by Italo Calvino. It then led to three main concepts, including time being a continuous state, urban spaces as the carrier of time, and multi-orientations of urban spaces in the flux of time. In order to review the consistency of discourses mentioned above in architectural design, I chose Dong-Men Market, which is hidden behind city blocks in Hsinchu City, as my site. During the research, firstly, I took few art projects with spatial quality for examples dialectically with related architectural discourses to discuss the ontology of architecture and the non-site theory. Secondly, by analyzing three architectural projects, the potential of concepts mentioned above was discovered by arranging architectural orders, constructing space continuity and spatial montage. When entering the site, firstly, I rolled out the time line in order to reveal the invisible fragments and to make the visible context more clearly. Secondly, I attempted to use five urban elements first raised by Kevin Lynch. Not only to form a universal image of the city, but also to look back the value of the site and explore more possibilities when facing similar urban regeneration issues. Therefore, my design question would be “How can urban space become an index of time by its own narrative ability? Which means how to feel time spatially and by reading different times, to know a city again. To answer the question, related discourses, ideas inspired by three architectural projects, and site survey would be tied closely in the main design strategy and narrative. By doing so, the site and city would be weaved as an entirety with context, and make it an index of the flux of time. The aim of my thesis is to exam the ability of time, and to have new perspective when reading a city. Moreover, choosing an actual site in urban context was to make the design discourse more authentic and close to reality. Last but not the least, 4.0 marked in the topic means not ending but progress. I expect “Dong-Men Market 4.0” would provide a different perspective when facing similar urban issues in the future.


Calvino Invisible Cities time flux index multi-orientations non-site Dong-Men Market


Hannah Arendt (2003). The Portable Hannah Arendt (reissue edition). London, UK: Penguin   
Gevork Hartoonian (2014). Gottfried Semper: Tectonic Translations. Society of Architectural
Gevork Hartoonian (2003). Gottfried Semper: the Structure of Theatricality. Art Criticism, 18(2), 6-21.
Oliver Beasley (2015). In Search of Distraction: Representing Benjamin’s Everyday Experience  
  書名:Invisible Cities)。


