  • 學位論文


Ripple effects among cities and submarkets: Evidence from the first-tier cities in China

指導教授 : 姜樹翰


中國大陸改革開放後,經濟成長逐年攀升,不動產市場也隨著政府加速都市化、財富大量累積等原因,呈現不斷上漲的趨勢,其規模與漲幅甚至遠超美國過去不動產市場熱絡期間,而中國不動產市場的快速擴張,是否存在泡沫化現象,則成為眾多學者爭相討論之議題。 本研究探討房價上漲效果時,將不動產市場細分為商鋪、辦公大樓以及住宅三個類型之不動產,接著以中國五個一線城市為例,發現個別城市當中,不同類別之不動產之間幾乎不存在共整合關係,唯有廣州存在一個共整合關係,也就是說,除了廣州之外,北京、天津、上海、深圳的不動產市場都可能存在泡沫化現象。再進一步考量特定區域之房價高漲,是否會外溢到其他地區,最終造成整體不動產市場過熱的問題,此現象被稱之為「漣漪效果」,本研究將各城市之不同類別的不動產進行因果檢定後發現,可能存在泡沫的城市,其內部之不動產市場的確存在漣漪效果,並且各城市之間亦會存在價格傳遞關係。最特別的是,經由共整合檢定發現,廣州之內部不動產市場存在長期均衡關係,而城市內各類別之不動產也確實不存在顯著的漣漪效果,但若是探討城市之間的領先落後關係,廣州卻又頻繁成為其他城市之價格來源,本研究推論應與廣州內部之不動產市場價格亦呈現大幅上漲有關,故而,廣州內部雖存在長期均衡關係,依然可能對其他城市產生漣漪效果。 綜上所述,本研究發現,近年來中國之不動產價格快速成長,確實令中國之一線城市產生異常的價格偏離,並且不動產價格飆漲除伴隨泡沫化問題之外,亦發生價格外溢之情形,所以,中國不動產市場的快速成長,除了是個別城市中,不動產價格大幅偏離所造就之結果,更是城市之間所產生漣漪效果之加成,因此,若政府計畫利用價格傳遞效果有效抑制不動產的價格成長,廣州將可做為政策實施之首選。


As China’s economic growth continues to raise year by year, the overheated housing market has recently become a top issue of the China authorities. The purpose of this paper is to search for the relations between real estate bubble and ripple effect. First, we use Johansen co-integration test for five first-tier China cities during 2003-2017 period to find that all the cities have no co-integration relationship except Guangzhou. This consequence means the other four cities might exist the real estate bubbles. Second, we used Toda –Yamamoto causality test to analyze the ripple effect among the five cities. The results show that the five first-tier cities’ housing price exactly have ripple effect. And different types of real estate between cities also appear in a ripple effects. Finally, comparing the outcome about real estate bubble and ripple effect. We found when Guangzhou’s residential price increases, Beijing and Tianjin’s residential prices both following raise. In other words, this increase eventually drives other cities’ housing price up again. Then it is possible to generate real estate bubbles.


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