  • 學位論文


The study of concretes based on field mix design with fine aggregates replaced by recycled tiles.

指導教授 : 何仲明


本文以廢棄混凝土塊(粗料)與廢棄磁磚(細料),以預拌混凝土廠所採用之現地配比方式灌製成再生混凝土,並調整再生粒料試體間水泥與卜作嵐材料(飛灰、爐石)之比例,其中卜作嵐材料以不添加超過25%水膠成份為限,並與同一環境同一配比下所製作之天然粒料混凝土透過坍度試驗、氯離子試驗、抗壓強度試驗、超音波試驗、高溫等試驗比較其差異性。 試驗結果顯示,再生粒料混凝土早期反應較天然粒料混凝土快,不論水膠成份為何,強度均高於天然粒料混凝土,而再生粒料混凝土在不同水膠成份下,齡期7天無太大影嚮,後期強度則有明顯的差異。早期發展,添加卜作嵐材料之再生粒料試體強度均與純水泥再生粒料所灌製之試體強度落差在10%內,其中以一定比例爐石、飛灰混合添加所製成之再生粒料試體,較純水泥再生粒料試體高約6%。由於再生試體齡期28天後普遍發展趨緩,不添加卜作嵐材料之再生粒料試體更是發展緩慢,而天然粒料試體齡期14天後,則是以一定比例的強度上升,於晚期91天,除了爐石、飛灰混合添加所灌製之再生試體,其餘再生試體皆僅達天然試體約90%左右的強度,可知卜作嵐材料不僅對天然料試體強度影嚮明顯,對再生磁磚製成之試體,也有一定的幫助。


In this research, recycled concretes are made according to field mix design used in ready-mixed concrete plant with discarded concrete blocks (as coarse aggregates) and discarded tiles (as fine aggregates). Moreover, the ratio of cement and pozzolanic admixture (fly ashes and stove stones) within recycled aggregates specimens are adjusted as well. Meanwhile, the water to binder ratio of pozzolanic admixture does not increased for more than 25%. Slump test according to ASTM C143, chloride experiment, compressive strength test, supersonic wave experiment, and high temperature test are carried out in the same environment and allocated percentages, and the differences between recycled concretes and natural fine aggregate concretes are studied. Results of the tests show that the early reaction of recycled fine aggregate concrete is faster than nature fine aggregate concrete. No matter what percentage of water to binder ratio, the strength of recycled fine aggregate concrete is higher than natural fine aggregate concrete. While talking about the strength, there is not much difference in the age of 7-days recycled fine aggregate concretes with different percentage of water to binder ratios; however, there are significant differences in the later period. In the early age, the differences between the strength of recycled fine aggregate concrete added with pozzolanic admixture materials and the strength of concrete which made by recycled pure fine aggregate cement is within 10%. Besides, recycled concretes which made by certain percentage of stove stones and fly ashes is higher than recycled concretes made by pure cements for about 6%. The development of 28-days recycled concretes is gradually slow; but the development of recycled fine aggregate concretes with no pozzolanic admixture is more slower. Nevertheless, the strength of nature fine aggregate concretes increased with certain percentage after 14 days of age. In the later stage for about 91 days, the rest of the recycled concretes reach 90% strength of nature concretes, excluding the recycled concretes made by stove stones and ashes. It is known that the pozzolanic admixture materials not only has significant influence upon the strength of nature fine aggregate concretes, but also do help the specimens made by recycled tiles.


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