  • 學位論文


The influence of The Mt. Taiping forest working area and the logging railway for urban and rural development on Lan-yang plain. – A case study of Lan-Yang Brook south areas.

指導教授 : 黃俊銘


宜蘭的發展因受地形影響,而由北至南的開發,加上蘭陽溪的阻隔,使得溪南的發展較溪北緩慢。而日治時期太平山林場的開發,使得宜蘭受到世界的矚目,三星、羅東、五結等鄉鎮因為林業開發而有了新的變化,由單純的農業加入了工業、商業,因而改變原來的產業結構,影響了這三個地區的城鄉發展,然而到了後期林業盛況不在,當地的產業結構也跟著產生改變,而這種改變對於這三個地區所帶來的影響更值得我們研究思考其發展走向。 第二章所談為台灣林業與宜蘭林業的開發史:從清朝到光復後對於林業的開發對於地方的影響。第三章所談為森林鐵道的建置:因為森林鐵道的設置使林業的開發加速腳步,也讓危險萬分的運送過程減少傷亡,而鐵道的建設也讓偏遠地區的人們往來城市更加的便利,而帶動地方的發展。第四章則談及三星鄉、五結鄉、羅東鎮因林業的開發所帶來的城鄉發展。第五章為結論:從林業影響地方談到現在的變化,因為林業所帶來的影響到因為林業遺留下的文物進行觀光的發展。


The early local development began form northern region to southern region in Yilan, and the regions were separated by Lanyang River. Because of the interception by Lanyang River, the local development of southern region was slower than northern region in Yilan. In the Japanese Rule Period, Taipingshan timber field became more and more important. With the development of timber field, the industrial structure of Sanxing、Luodong and Wujie had a changeover from agriculture to mainly industry and business, which town was located on southern region of Yilan. To the late period of Taipingshan timber field, it had another changeover in industrial structure. This is very important for us to understand the process what the changeover of industrial structure at Sanxing、Luodong and Wujie. In Chapter 2, we want to talk about the development history of forestry in Taiwan and Yilan. The development of timber field affects local industrial structure in history which started from Qing Dynasty to Taiwan retrocession. The construct of forest railway will be discussed in Chapter 3; the construct of forest railway could increase the development of timber field, but decrease the casualty in the delivery process of wood. Moreover, the transportation could make it easy that people could transport form place to place, and promote the local development. The local development of Sanxing、Luodong and Wujie which affected by forestry will be mentioned in Chapter 4. In conclusion, we discussed the influence of forestry from past to present, and the possible progress of tourism in the future.




