  • 學位論文


A Survey Study on the Influence of Sino-Korean Words in Korean Students’ Modern Mandarin Vocabulary Learning

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


韓語與漢語雖然屬於不同的語系,但是韓語中有許多常用辭彙源自於漢字,這些詞彙被稱為漢字詞,現代韓語中的漢字詞占有60~70%的比例。韓語中的漢字詞能幫助韓籍學習者學習漢語,但是漢字詞彙傳入韓國已久所以產生了不少變化,這些改變或許會阻礙學習者學習漢語。 漢字詞的內容豐富,可分成許多類別,不同類別的漢字詞對學習者也會產生不同的影響。為了研究漢字詞會為韓籍學習者帶來什麼樣的影響,本論文在前人的基礎上,根據字形字義,將漢字詞分成同形同義詞、同形漢廣韓狹詞、同形韓廣漢狹詞、同形異義詞、同形同義逆序詞和異形同義詞六大類。然後再依這六大類設計問卷,以韓國全州大學和全北大學的漢語系學生為研究對象,實施問卷後統計學生的作答情形,比較各個類別的漢字詞的答對率高低,受母語干擾的情況嚴重與否,然後分析韓籍學習者學習漢語時,母語裡的漢字詞會為他們帶來什麼樣的影響:什麼類的漢字詞傾向帶來正遷移,什麼類的漢字詞傾向帶來負遷移。 分析的結果顯示,答對率由高到低的排序結果是:同形同義詞>異形同義詞>同形韓廣漢狹詞>同形異義詞>同形同義逆序詞>同形漢廣韓狹詞。統計結果顯示同形同異詞最能帶來正遷移,同形漢廣韓窄詞最容易產生負遷移。另外最容易受到母語干擾而犯錯的機率由高到低的排序結果是:同形韓廣漢狹詞>同形同義逆序詞>同形異義詞>異形同義詞>同形漢廣韓狹詞。 本論文期待研究結果可以幫助教師和學習者利用正遷移加強學習效果,並避開負遷移的負面作用。


Korean and Chinese belong to different language families. However there are a lot of common words in Korean that origin from Chinese characters. These words are called Sino-Korean words. 60%~70% Korean words are composed by Sino-Korean words. Sino-Korean words might help Korean students to learn Chinese, but these words had been borrowed from China to Korean long time ago. From then on, some differences gradually occurred, and those differences might obstruct learners’ learning. Those Sino-Korean words can be divided into many categories. For learners, different categories might bring different effects. In order to understand the effects made by Sino-Korean words, this thesis divided Sino-Korean words into six categories, which are homomorphic synonyms, homomorphic with broader meaning in Chinese, homomorphic with broader meaning in Korean, homographs, homomorphic synonyms with opposite order, and heteromorphous synonyms. Based these six categories, the researcher designed a questionnaire, and applied it to the Chinese department students in two universities in Korean. The result shows- 1. homomorphic synonyms could bring positive transfer and homomorphic with broader meaning in Chinese could bring negative transfer. 2. The rate from top to bottom of making mistakes by native language interference is: homomorphic with broader meaning in Korean> homomorphic synonyms with opposite order> homographs> heteromorphous synonyms >homomorphic with broader meaning in Chinese.


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