  • 學位論文


The Research about the Prevention Strategy of Drug Abusing Used by Vocational Military Instructors in Taoyuan Country

指導教授 : 丁姵元


本研究係探討桃園縣高中職軍訓教官防制青少年藥物濫用的策略。目前我國青少年藥物濫用的現象已不容忽視,如施用者年齡層逐漸下降、俱樂部用藥的氾濫,且因藥物濫用所衍生的犯罪行為,顯示出藥物濫用不僅對青少年身心的損害無法評估,更儼然成為社會安全重大的危機。 本研究共計訪談了十七位桃園縣高中職校軍訓教官,研究資料顯示,志願役軍官轉任軍訓教官的因素,其中包含了軍中制度、家庭因素、個人生涯規劃以及對教育工作有興趣等。另經整理訪談資料後發現,青少藥物濫用問題確實是愈顯嚴重,就現階段高中職校而言,僅能倚重軍訓教官依據現有的防制架構篩檢出有藥物濫用行為的學生,並加以輔導。就青少年藥物濫用防制策略而言,應置防制重點對象於國中及高中職進修學校的學生,而目前高中職校並無法掌握國中時期有藥物濫用行為學生的資訊,已形成防制上的漏洞。就教育政策而言,教育部應強化學校各級教職人員對於藥物濫用防制工作的認知及責任,期能在學生接觸藥物的前、中期,就已阻斷外界的影響因子。而就桃園縣軍訓教官藥物濫用防制成效的關鍵因素而言,其中以人為的因素為重,對於整體藥物濫防制策略是有負面的影響。 整體而言,目前我國在青少年藥物濫用防制工作上,無論是法律條文、或是校園藥物濫用防制的人力及責任的歸屬,都還是有疏漏及不足之處。在尚未整合各防制單位資源、未建立各級學制藥物濫用學生資訊平台及未賦予各級教職人員在防制工作上職責的此刻,身處於基層的高中職校教官,對於青少年藥物濫用防制工作,實是扮演著相當重要且攸關成效的關鍵角色。


The study aims to explore the strategies used by the military training instructors at senior high schools and vocation high schools in Taoyuan, in order to prevent teen substance abuse. Currently the phenomenon of teen substance abuse should no longer be overlooked. The gradual decline of age for substance administrator, club drug abuse, and the criminal behaviors derived from substance abuse, indicate that substance abuse not only causes undeterminable damages to youth but has also become the major crisis of social security. The study conducted interview with 17 military training instructors from the senior high schools and vocational high schools in Taoyuan County. The study data shows that the factors of volunteer military officers transferring to military training instructors include military system, family factors, personal career planning, and interests for education related work. Additionally, we discovered from the interview data that the issues on youth substance abuse become increasingly serious and the senior and vocational high schools could only rely on existing control architecture of the military training instructor, in order to screen out students with substance abuse behaviors; thereby to provide counseling. In terms of prevention strategies for youth substance abuse, the students are advised to establish prevention focus on targets such as students from junior high schools, senior high school and vocational high schools. Currently, the senior high schools or vocational high schools are unable to control information on students with substance abuse behaviors during their time in junior high school; which has become the control loopholes. With regards to educational strategies, the Ministry of Education is recommended to strengthen the awareness and responsibility of substance abuse control for faculty in school, in order to make early prevention of external influence factors such as student exposure to drugs at early or mid period. With regards to the key factors of control effectiveness on substance abuse from military training instructors in Taoyuan County, human factors accounted for the majority of factors and have brought negative influence on the control strategies of the overall substance abuse. In general, there are still omissions and deficiencies to our current prevention work on youth substance abuse, regardless of laws and regulations or the human resource and attribution of responsibility on campus substance abuse control. Before integrating the resources from various control units, establishing student information platform for substance abuse in schools and giving responsibility to faculty in terms of control work, the military training instructors of senior and vocation high school in fact play considerably important and effective key characters in terms of youth substance abuse control work.




