  • 學位論文


Discuss feasibility of overseas dormitory's BOT investment plan ─A case study of Chung Yuan Christian University─

指導教授 : 吳燦中


摘 要 近幾年來,由於政府等公家機關在財務上的短缺,許多公共建設計畫大多是都由政府以BOT模式(build-operate-transfer,建設-經營-轉讓)委由民間企業進行。公共建設計畫交由民間投資與經營可以為政府減輕財務上的壓力,並且亦能刺激和增進民間企業的進步,向社會提供公共服務的另一種方式。在政府的授權民間的資金與規劃等資源的投入下,相信可以讓一些缺乏資金的建設,能夠具體地被執行和落實以符合生活上與市場上的需求。 在台灣,大學學生宿舍的數量一直是不足以供應學生的需求。公立大學有政府預算的支援,尚且有床位不足以及品質不佳的情況,對於私立大學而言情況就更加嚴峻。因應政府簽定ECFA後,境外來的留學生會增加,本研究將境外留學生的居住環境和居住品質納入考量,研究探討私立大學之學生宿舍委由民間企業以BOT模式進行可行性評估。 本研究以私立中原大學學生宿舍BOT案為研究案例,由學校提供空地,交由民間企業公司投資做整體建築規劃、設計、營建以及營運,最後在一定年限後再轉讓與學校的模式進行整體的可行性評估研究,包括現金流量和財務的敏感度分析。 本研究的預計可以提供下列成果與建議: 1. 對於私立大學院校而言:除提供教學服務之外,同時可以提供優質的住宿與生活空間環境以滿足學生的受教生活並可以提升學校的競爭力,而將有限的經費用於提升教學品質。 2. 對於建設相關企業而言:提供一種準確的可行性評估模式,讓企業可以藉由長期而穩定的投資效益來達到永續經營的可能。 3. 對於建築相關從業人員而言:建築師與室內設計師也可以借由含有財務可行性評估的能力,提升自我競爭力,主動積極參與開發的業務。 關鍵字:BOT、可行性評估、財務可行性分析、學生宿舍


ABSTRAC Many public works are authorized by BOT (build-operate-transfer) in the past 30 years due to the finance shortage of government. BOT can release the serious situation of government’s finance, and increase the investment from private enterprises. In order to improve the quality of life and economic needed, public works be executed with authorized from government and invested from private enterprises for the purpose of better quality project, the public and social service. In Taiwan, the quantities of university dormitory are always in the situation of shortage. For the national universities, the main dormitories were budgeted by government. However, the supplies are still insufficient whatever in the quantity or quality. The situations of the private colleges are more serious than it several times. It might be more serious after the EFCA was signed i.e. more student from mainland China and the overseas student from all around the world will increase sharply. Therefore, this research will focus on the problem about the shortage of dormitory within private colleges, considering the possibility of the BOT mode is employed to be one of the best solutions of this problem. On this research, not only the feasibility of the building took into account, but the living environment and quality also will be one of the topics we concerned. This research will base on the project of Chung Yuan Christian University dormitory building for overseas student through BOT mode. The dormitory building project is designed, planned and constructed by private enterprise, and finally evaluated by college. This evaluation includes the cash flow analysis and financial sensitivity test. The results of this research would be described as below: 1. For private colleges, through BOT mode, it is more competitive due to the ability to provide high quality accommodation and learning environment to the students. 2. For building enterprises or investors, the study can offers an accurate feasibility study for evaluation the investment to achieve the benefit from long-term investment for the goal of sustainable development. 3. For architects or interior designer, it offers learning opportunities to engage in the field of the project management, especially in the feasibility study related to the cash flow and sensitivity test technology. The abilities for the design professional can be a power tool to develop the potential business actively. Keywords:BOT、Feasibility study、Project financial analysis、dormitory


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