  • 學位論文


Discuss on Hong Xiu-quan’s views on God – For Example on Tai-ping-tian-ri, Tian-li-yao-lun and San-zi-jing

指導教授 : 曾慶豹


本論文以文本分析以方法研究太平天囯(1851-1864)的三個文本-《太平天日》、《天理要論》、《三字經》,以探討洪秀全本人的上帝觀: 《太平天日》:此文本是記載太平天囯天王洪秀全在1837年所作的異夢。1837年,洪秀全因遭遇第三次考試的失敗,自廣州回到自己的家中,生了一場大病。 就在該年的三月初一日的午夜,他見到無數天使接他到天上。在天上他見到一位著黑袍蓄金鬚的老者,此人即是「天父皇上帝」。上帝對洪秀全說,世人因受到魔鬼的迷惑而犯罪,也忘了要敬拜祂,所以要遭受許多痛苦。除了上帝之外,洪秀全在天上還見到天母(並非耶穌的母親-馬利亞)、天兄耶穌基督、天嫂(耶穌的妻子)以及他在天上的另外一位妻子。上帝和天兄教導洪秀全如何斬妖除魔,又賜給他一把名為「雲中雪」的劍和金璽。上帝派遣他回到地上,消滅邪惡並建立一個敬拜上帝的國家。 《天理要論》:本書為洪秀全將倫敦宣道會(London Missionary Society)宣教師麥都思(Walter Henry Medhurst,1796-1857)之同名著作(作者之署名為「尚德者」,原作共二十四章)之第一至八章內容刪節修改而成。 《三字經》:本書於1852年出版,係洪秀全仿照中國傳統同名之幼童啟蒙書籍體裁所作的著作。內容是記載以色列人的歷史(創世記和出埃及記)、耶穌基督的生平、中國的歷史以及太平天囯的教義。


This thesis uses the method of text analyzing to research three texts of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (Tai-ping-tian-guo) – Tai-ping-tian-ri, Tian-li-yao-lun and San-zi-jing. I would like to discuss Hong Xiu-quan’s views on God. 1.Tai-ping-tian-ri: This text records the dream of Hong Xiu-quan in 1837. Hong Xiu-quan had failed on his examination at the third time in 1837. He returned to his home from Guangzhou. He had a serious illness. At midnight of March 1 of 1837, Hong Xiu-quan was taken by a lots of angels to the Heaven. In Heaven, he saw a old man with golden breed and in black dragon rope who is God the father Highest Emperor (Tian-fu-huang-shang-di). God told to Hong Xiu-quan, because the human was confused by the devils to sin, so they had forgotten to worship Him, they were also suffering in pain. Except for God, Hong Xiu-quan had seen Holy Mother (who is not mother of Jesus Christ – Maria), Holy Brother Jesus Christ, Holy Sister-in-law (Jesus’ wife) and his another wife in Heaven. God and Jesus taught Hong Xiu-quan how to kill the devils and gave him a sword (which name is “Snow in the Cloud”) and a golden seal. God send him back to the ground to kill the evils and establish a kingdom whose people worship God. 2.Tian-li-yao-lun: This text is adapted by Hong Xiu-quan from the missionary of London Missionary Society - Walter Henry Medhurst’s (1796-1857) original work (which has the same Chinese title). Hong extracted the original work’s chapter one to chapter eight and tried to adapt the contents for his own thinking. 3.San-zi-jing: This text is written by Hong Xiu-quan, he want to imitate the Chinese traditional children’s textbook - San-zi-jing’s pattern. It records: the history of Israel (Genesis and Exodus), the life of Jesus Christ, the history of China and the doctrine of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.


史景遷(Jonathan D. Spence)《太平天國》[God‘s Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan],朱慶葆等譯,上(台北:時報出版社:2003)
———,《太平天國》[God‘s Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan],朱慶葆等譯,下(台北:時報出版社:2003)
