  • 學位論文


The Study of Legal Infrastructures against Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects-A Case Study of Tamsui BOT Public Sanitary Sewer Project

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


污水下水道建設之重要不僅關係國家競爭力,更關係到我們生活的環境,惟有保護河川、淨化河川,將來才能提供後代永續的生活環境。而我國污水下水道建設在政府財政日益拮据及引進企業經營理念以改善公共服務品質之政策方向下,為減緩政府短期財政負擔,從興利的角度建立政府、民間之夥伴關係,引進民間參與污水下水道建設為重要施政政策。 因此本研究係針對污水下水道BOT計劃之法制面為研究對象,除先介紹我國污水下水道BOT政策,將實際營運中的淡水污水BOT中,政府與民間機構之分工與合作情形詳細說明,以利後續討論。其中有全台第一例的由民間辦理之污水下水道用戶接管工程、無營運量保證之付費機制之建立及專用下水道納管之推動等,內政部營建署亦將淡水污水BOT案作為我國推動污水下水道BOT之宣導案例。 本研究對淡水污水下水道BOT中,於從興建、營運開始後所將面臨的法制面問題,逐一探討其困境。其中對於推動民間參與下普遍存在的法律關係問題,如主辦機關同時為契約甲方與目的事業法令之主管機關之雙重身分下,所導致之身分衝突;污水下水道BOT為政府購買公共服務下,使用該公共服務之人民與民間機構間所存在之法律定性等,均值得加以探討。 有關法制面最重要的是相關法令的配合,對於以ㄧ部促進民間參與公共建設法為我國引進民間參與公共建設之主要法令下,與其他相關法令間之交叉競合,如何解決法令間適用問題。例如BOT政策與目的事業法之合作、推動民間參與促參案件消費者保護法之適用、促參案招商前是否應先辦理環境影響評估、促參法強制接管制度與公司法公司治理獨立制度之困境、民間參與下特許公司之原始股東責任等議題,以正視BOT案興建營運期所忽視之問題,提出法制面建言。


The importance of the construction of sewer is related to not only national competitiveness but also the environment we live in, and only the protection and decontamination of rivers will provide future generations a sustainable living environment in the future. However, since public finances are growing lower and lower and the improvement of the public quality is to be hoped for with the philosophy of enterprise management, our government has put increasing emphasis on the concept for facilitation of private investment in order to slow down short-term recession of public finances. As a result, the study put the emphasis on the legal infrastructures. It will present not only the BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)policy but also the practical vision and cooperation situation between the government and private institution on the Tamsui BOT public sanitary sewer project. The first case of Building sanitary sewer collecting facilities which is done by private institution , no operational assurance of payment mechanism and Specialized sanitary sewer facilities is done by private institution. CPAMI (Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of Interior) has taken Tamsui BOT public sanitary sewer project as a model project to promote BOT policy. The difficulty of Legal Infrastructures on the Tamsui BOT public sanitary sewer project will be discussed one after another in the beginning of its operation. As for the law affairs in case of promoting participation of the private institution, such as BOT policy and the cooperation of the law of the central authorities in charge of the industries. The consumer protection laws apply in the Promotion of Private Participation Construction. Promotion of Private Participation in the case of investment whether it should first apply for an environmental impact assessment. The difficulty of Promotion of Private Participation Law to force to take over a company with the independent system of corporate governance of the Company Law. Private participation in the original shareholders of the Company under the concession liability issues. To face up the problem and suggest of the legal system of BOT project .


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