  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Using Magic Board to Develop Instructional Materials of Recognizing the Sequence and Period of a Week for Second Graders

指導教授 : 袁媛


摘 要 本研究旨在探討運用萬用揭示板發展認識一星期順序與週期教材及教學活動實施之歷程。為達到以上研究目的,研究者透過行動研究,身兼課程設計者與教學者的角色,運用萬用揭示板發展一套可行教材,並於任教學校的二年級中挑選兩個班級學童進行兩循環的教學,歷程中研究者透過與研究團隊討論與反思、對學童進行學習的前後測檢核、訪談及教學錄影等來多方蒐集資料,並整理、分析資料,以歸納出運用萬用揭示板設計教材的歷程與應考量事項,發展適合此教材的教學活動與面臨困境的解決策略,最終探討運用此教材教學後,學童的學習成效。 本研究結果如下: 一、 設計教材首先應確立教學目標,對教學內容有充分的認知,將課程邏輯性的安排,注重數學概念的建立與連結,而後思量與善用萬用揭示板中每一元件的功能,把握一頁一概念的原則,將布題做有意義的組織,讓問題能引出重點,使得教學內容清楚的呈現。教材設計歷程應集結具豐富教學經驗專家教師們的智慧,從共同討論反思中,突破個人見解的盲點,促使教材更周延。 二、 此教材中的數學概念建立於生活經驗中,因此宜採用討論式教學法,以提供機會製造認知衝突、質疑、辯證與澄清,如此能修正迷思想法、穩固舊經驗,並擴展新概念。且教學活動中應融入適當班級經營策略,以強化學童的專注力,提升學習的品質。 三、 此教材的設計符合學童的認知架構、鋪陳編排方式具邏輯性,提供學童學習鷹架;萬用揭示板的運用能引發學童學習的熱度與深度,並提供課堂討論時最佳的視覺溝通平台。整體來說,此教材具相當的可行性,能協助學童達到良好的學習成效。


Abatract This study aimed at exploring the recognition of the sequence period of a week and the instructional materials and teaching activities and implements by using the Magic Board to develop them. In order to achieve the purpose of these studies, the researcher, through the action research, played the role of both course designer and instructor in the use of the Magic Board to develop a set of feasible materials. In addition, we chose the second graders from two classes to go on two-cycle teaching. On the process, researchers conducted students' before-and-after learning checks. Data Information were gathered through group discussions and reflection and interviews and teaching-aid videos, and the have data arranged and analyzed.It then drew up certain considerations for Magic Board in terms of design, teaching process. Consequently, proper instructional materials and activities, and strategies to solve problems were developed. In the end, we explored the students' learning outcomes after the application of such materials. The findings of this study show as below: 1. The Design of materials should first establish the teaching objectives. The teaching content should be fully recognized and the courses be logically arranged. Next, mathematical concepts should be well established and liked. And then the functions of every unit of the Magic Board should be meticulously and well used. On the principle of one-page one-concept, the design of questions should be meaningfully organized. Consequently, the questions may lead to focus points, enabling the teaching content in a clear presentation. On the process of materials design, experienced teachers and specialists should join hands to gather wisdom in collective discussions and reflections. As a result, personal blind spot may be avoided and the teaching materials may become more comprehensive. 2. The mathematical concepts were established in the life experience, the teaching method of discussion should therefore be used to provide the opportunity to have cognition of conflict, questioning, dialectics, and clarification. Consequently, myths can be corrected, old experiences be firm and solid, and new concept be expanded. We should integrate appropriate classroom management strategies into the teaching activities so as to strengthen students' attention and enhance their learning abilities. 3. The design of the teaching materials is consistent with students’ construct of cognition, laying out the logical arrangement, and providing a platform for children to learn. On the whole, such materials are considerably feasible and it can help children achieve outstanding learning outcomes.


袁媛、陳國龍、張世明(2007)。萬用揭示板(Magic Board)-國小特教老師的數學教學好幫手。特教論壇,3,1-13。


