  • 學位論文


SharePoint Portal Interface and Information Design and Implementation

指導教授 : 孫天佑 劉立民


在這個資訊爆炸的時代,資訊已經不是只有文字可以傳達,充滿圖像的網站模式已經隨著世代的推演,不斷的進步與演化。各種形式的圖形出現在網路帶有她的色彩,儼然延伸出另一個模式,那就是形象與文化,我們可以從網際網路上感受到各種不同的圖形帶給你特別視覺的享受,抑或是相當的親近、從容,雖然大多數的使用者其實當下沒有太大的感受表現,但在無形當中,使用當中不斷地審視適應性、批判互動性。這是一個不可或缺的元素,尤其在這個協同合作的時代,一個網站的美觀性、實用性、容上手是相當重要的,對於使用者來說相當基本的需求,不限於在任何形式的平台。對於企業平台來說,也是不外乎,隱隱約約有著莫名的歸屬感,企業需要在他的平台上訂做一套屬於他的制服,對於企業內部的氛圍與個人的工作動力尤其重要。除了網站的質感價值提升,介面的精心設計也改善使用網站的方式與方法,良好的資訊規畫設計可帶動良好的使用率,進而增加人際交流與知識交流的應用,無形之中可提高小組的創造能力、生產能力以及技術,實現協同合作。 我們以SharePoint平台來做為企業版面設計以及資訊規劃的協同合作入口網站。除了符合設計符合企業形象、依照企業文化,創造出屬於企業自身獨特的風格與內涵,同時兼顧實用性以及互動性,透過資訊規劃,讓知識與資訊能透過入口網站的窗口,實現無縫般的合作,注入企業平台特別的活力與光采。


In this era of information explosion, information is no longer transmitted by words. Web sites filled with pictures are progressing and evolving constantly. The various kinds of pictures appearing in web sites carry their own features, generating another dimension that consists of images and culture. We can enjoy the visual effect that various pictures on the internet bring to us closely and leisurely. Although most of the watchers do not have any special feeling while they are watching, they are in fact interacting with the content display within the pictures. In this age of collaboration, above phenomenon is an essential element in web siting designing. No matter what platform is the web site based on, the appearance of the web site, easy to use and practicality are very important. From the point of view of designing an enterprise portal, besides the consideration listed above, the web site needs to present a sense of belonging to all its users, just like the uniform of the enterprise. Carefully designed interface and arrangement of data presentation can greatly enhance the usage of the enterprise portal, and assist users to communicating and interchanging ideas, and thus effectively improve overall work performance of the enterprise. We will use Microsoft SharePoint platform as the basis of enterprise portal interface and information designing. Besides designing based on enterprise branding and culture, our goal is to create a unique enterprise style, balanced with usability and interactivity. Through carefully design the way information is displayed, we can help let information be passed to user seamlessly and naturally, and make the portal more energetic and vivid. Keywords: SharePoint platform, branding, information design, interface design.


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