  • 學位論文


The purpose of levy ambit of land and standard of compensation of land price.(The levy of land Act 30th is the center of the standard of compensation)

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


土地徵收乃國家取得建設所需土地,在經各種取得方式仍不可得時,不得已之最後手段。然因土地稀少、土地開發過度、徵收過多或補償不足等原因,使得土地徵收被污名化,致徵收抗爭不斷,行政救濟與行政訴訟更是多如牛毛,更令徵收執行進度落後。而土地徵收制度中,最為人詬病者,當屬徵收補償費的計算及徵收範圍的適當性,如能解決此二問題,當可使徵收弊病降低甚多。 在選定徵收範圍時,即已決定對人民財產權侵害之數量,而人民財產權受憲法之保護,雖為公益得以限制或剝奪之,但仍應為相當或合理之補償。所謂「公共利益」的判斷係屬不確定的法律概念,惟仍應有判斷之基本準據,以免無限上綱。而徵收補償標準之理論多有,雖多有見地,惟仍需視租稅負擔或經濟政策而定,但仍以相當或合理補償基本界限。土地徵收條例原「比照一般正常交易價格」以「公告土地現值+地價加成補償」為補償的規定,因公告土地現值偏離市價,致徵收補償不足,其徵收補償計算基準有修正之必要。土地徵收條例第三十條的徵收補償雖於一百零一年初修正通過,以「市價」補償被徵收人,惟其效益仍有待觀察。 本文嘗試從財產權的保障與公共利益的衡平考量,藉由徵收歷史演進的觀點、參酌其他國家徵收範圍的立法,希能推演出符合所謂「公共使用」或「公共利益」原則的徵收適當的範圍與界限。本文並從立法論、體系論及財產權保護之角度,審視土地徵收補償制度之缺陷,與修法前的實務及修法後的可能狀況,期許能得出一個可以作為徵收補償之基本依據,提出對徵收補償基準的建議。而為確實進行協議價購,將徵收作為政府取得土地的最後手段,本文最後對協議價購實務提出數點建議,供作參考。


When the country wants to obtain the land to do the construction for the country, even passes through any and every way till can't get the land, the country has no choice, the land levies has to be the last way. However, the land scarcity, over development, levies may excessively or compensation insufficiency cause the land levies by the infamy. It cause the resistance not stopping, the administrative relief and the administrative proceeding are as numerous as the hairs of an ox and cause the levies carry out the progress to be backward. The land levies in the system, most people denouncing, are the computation of compensation and the aptness of levy scope. If we can solve these two problems, we can reduce many levy diseases. Levy scope when designed, has decided the quantity of violation to people's property rights, but people's property right's is under the constitution protection. Although it can limit or deprive some people for public welfare, it still should go for quite or reasonable compensation. So-called “public interest” judgment is indefinite legal concept, it still should have basic principles to judge, in order to avoid exaggerate. The theory of the levy compensation standard, although have a head on shoulder, still has to regard the tax burden or the economic policy, and still by quite or reasonable compensation for basic boundary. The rule of land levies originally “according to the general normal transaction price “take “the announcement land current value plus some percentage” as the compensation stipulation. Because the announcement land current value is deviation from the market price, the compensation is insufficiency. It is necessary to revise the calculation basis of levy compensation. Although the amendment of the levy of land Act 30th to the compensation in the beginning of the year 101 is passing through, the compensation is levied by the “market price”, but the benefit still waited for observation. This article attempts to do balance compensation from the safeguard of the property rights and the public interest, by the view point of the historical evolution of levies and deliberates on other countries legislation to levy scope; hope can deduce a suitable scope and boundary to conform to so-called “the public use” or “the public interest” levy principles. This article concerns the angles of the system, the legislation and the property rights protection, carefully examines the flaw of the compensation system of land levies, practice before the amendment and possible condition after amendment, hope can obtain one basic principle for land levy compensation and propose a suggestion for levy compensation base. But for carry through the negotiation price to buy, the government will take the levy as the last way to obtain the land. Finally, this article will propose some suggestions for references for practice of negotiation price to buy.


levy compensation Levy scope




