  • 學位論文


Study of Taiwan Railway Station Plaza during the Japanese Colonial Period –Focus on Six Main Stations

指導教授 : 堀込憲二


鐵路為日治期間(1895~1945年)最具影響力的基礎建設,自1908年鐵路縱貫線通車後,開啟了台灣鐵道輸運的里程碑並陸續建造了240多個車站,尤其在南北各大城市中建設一等車站,成為都市重要的交通樞紐。1900年(明治三十三年)開始日本政府推動市區改正,進而帶動西方都市化的改造,官衙、學校、商店、街道系統、公園等公共空間逐漸在車站附近擴大設置,且規模趨於完整、工商交流活絡密集,而進一步也為都市匯集了大量的人潮、車潮、物流等活動,促使都市的增長,強化了車站區域空間的層級及站前廣場的複雜度。 在超過半個世紀後的今天,我們重新以客觀的角度來檢視,日治政府對台灣鐵路的建設,並選擇其中發展規模最為完整、最具代表性、相關圖書的保存最為豐富的;台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄再加上起始站基隆等六大車站作為主要研究對象,探究日治時期車站區域的空間層級與特色,擬用日治時期官方測繪的地圖、輔以文獻資料及老照片作為描述,彼此進行相互比對,期望對於日治時期的站前廣場空間有更進一步的認識。 本研究內容主要分為以下三點: 一、探討日治時期六大城市,車站區域的歷史脈絡、車站之於城市所扮演的角色。 二、透過文獻與疊圖,分析六大車站區域的重要設施及因應設施而形成的動線與特色等,發現透過政策、運輸、產業的影響下六大車站前廣場空間之異同。   三、呈現日治時期車站前廣場空間的意義與特徵,並探討國外站前廣場空間予以比較,根據歸納、分析建立依據,提供未來車站區域空間規劃者作為參考。


鐵路 車站前廣場 交通遺址


Railway was the most important infrastructure during the Japanese colonial period. In 1908, the main railway began the transportation service and more than 240 train stations were established since then. First-class stations were built in major cities and became important traffic centers of the cities. In 1900, the Japanese government carried out the redeveloped urban policy which brought the western-type urban renewal into action. Public space such as schools, shopping district, government offices, streets and parks were expanded and integrated near train stations. The crowd, vehicles and merchandise gathered at the station area, which increased the growth of the city and also complicated the hierarchy of the station plaza and area nearby. Over a century has passed, we attempt to survey the railway development constructed by the Japanese government in objective point of views and choose the six main stations, Keelung、Taipei、Hsinchu、Taichung、Tainan、Kaohsiung as major investigative objects because of their integrated and representative development scale and plenty of relevant documents. The thesis focus on the hierarchy and features of the station area in those days and makes a comparison of the official maps and documents with old pictures of the stations, which reveals the landscape of station plazas in Japanese colonial period. The article contains three different parts in sequence 1.We discuss the role of a station in the six main cities and historical developing process of the station areas in the Japanese colonial  period. 2.The article also analyzes the pathway and characters of important facilities in the six main station areas with historical documents and drawings. We also compare the features of the six main station plazas which had different policies and industries. 3.The thesis appears the meanings and features of the station plazas under the Japanese colonial period. The comparisons with foreign station plazas are also included. By analyzing and generalizing the development process, the thesis expects to provide thoughts for scheme designers of new station developing programs as a reference.


plaza traffic site railroad railway traffic ruin


3.黃蘭翔,1995,《台南十字街空間結構與其在日據初期的轉化》,台灣社會研究季刊19 期。
