  • 學位論文


A study on visual elements of reshaping the District Characteristics of Commercial Shops through the Approach in Community Empowerment Society - Zhudong Township Rong Lejie Street as Example

指導教授 : 魏主榮


新竹縣竹東鎮曾有著豐富的歷史人文與產業特色,其中更以蕭如松藝術園區為在地藝文之核心場域,但鄰近之周邊街道景觀卻無塑造出在地生活傳統美學,以致與蕭如松藝術園區整體環境無法產生鏈結。本研究依據中原大學室內設計系所承辦的計畫,已於第一期計畫中透過社區民眾的參與完成街道景觀中之招牌美學設計,引導在地藝文特色進入周邊街道空間,藉以彰顯在地居民之生活風貌,設計過程中與以往快速招牌設計不同,經由多次與店家討論並符合竹東當地色彩材質元素下完成了此次的招牌設計。第一期招牌改善完工使用後訪談,結果顯示出當地居民對於自身環境已產生了美學自發性的影響,並透過改造家園逐漸對於地方產生認同感。然而,地方商家視覺美學改善僅止於招牌部分,於整體地方商家空間並未完整呈現地方特色美學。 本研究選定社區營造發展方向與榮樂街較為相似之湖口老街特色商家作為案例分析之範圍,以實地調查以較具視覺元素之特色商家進行深入訪談,而商家視覺元素分別以招牌及空間兩部分進行分析探討,並針對其優缺點作為本研究商家招牌設計檢討考量要素,依據其營造室內空間方式,配合文獻探討歸納出整體商家空間視覺元素之營造方式,本研究結果顯示,招牌設計需考量與建築空間營造氛圍之協調性及整體街道視覺環境景觀;空間營造部分,則以本研究歸納的營造流程,依序為概念設定、.營造氛圍元素、.空間營造方式、.與在地練結方式及空間融入店家特色方式進行地方空間營造規劃,期望透過本研究歸納流程可作為日後有意營造在地特色商家空間視覺元素之參考依據。


Zhudong Township Hsinchu Country was once a commercial region with prosperous historical and cultural characterizes which acts as their core, however the neighboring district street landscape could not reflect onto the local traditional aesthetic hence creating a gap in linking the whole Hsiao Ju-Sung art district. This research is conducted through a project in Chung Yuan Christianity University interior design major. The first phase of this project involves in local community participation to complete aesthetic design street signboard to elicit the local artistic characteristic into the neighborhood. The design signboard process here is different compared to the speedy signboard design, which involves a numerous of discussion with the commercial stores to correspond to the Zhudong local color and material scheme. Through the interviews made after the first phase, it revealed an aesthetic-awareness among the locals and through this retransformation recognition is established on the neighborhood. Contradictory the stores believe the significant of the transformation only reflected on the signboard and not to the whole neighborhood. The target and research reference of this research is constructed on the similarity quality that “Hukou Old Street” has in term of, community and “Rong Lejie Street” development. Through the field investigation, it analysis and cross-reference on two elements of the store; visual impact of signboard and the characteristics of spatial construction. This can reveals the advantage and disadvantage of the elements in the store’s signboard for review. According to the construction of the interior spatial, and with literature reference it can compose the store’s spatial visual elements and it indicated that the signboard design needs to consider the architecture spatial coordination with the overall street landscape. In part to the spatial construction, this research comprised a construction procedure in the following order; concept setting, spatial atmosphere element, spatial construction method, and a local linkage method to integrate into the store’s character as to construct a spatial plan. Expectation of this research is to comprise a construction procedure that acts as a guideline of visual element on future construction of local characteristic stores.


