  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Research on Task-Based Approach Instruction for Novice-Low Chinese Language Learners Classes

指導教授 : 廖宜瑤


本研究以任務型教學法應用於初級華語教學之研究,藉由任務活動進行語言教學,使教學更具溝通及實用性,提高學習者的興趣。本研究是以行動研究之精神進行探索性研究,運用「教學錄影」、「教學反思札記」、「個別訪談」、「活動滿意度調查」等,探索學習者的學習情況、不同任務主題教學設計的異同及教師的專業成長。 本研究的研究對象為越南華文專班學生,共16人。任務教學共實施4個單元,7週課程,每班每周2節課,每節課50分鐘。 研究結果發現如下:一、就整體而言,任務型教學能提高學習者的興趣,增加成就感。二、任務型教學內容要有趣、開放性、高實用性,並能與現實生活話題相結合,方能提高學習者的學習興趣;不同主題教學設計皆以貼近學習者生活、多元、實用為原則。三、任務型教學設計需注意:提供適量的任務活動,學習目標單純化,設計多元活動形式,精簡任務活動步驟,新詞引入要有針對性,輔助任務進行的文本資料切勿過多、遺漏或過難,學習單清楚明瞭,不模稜兩可等。四、任務型課堂教學需注意:事先測試教案,以取得合適之教學時間配當;平均分配任務,使學生受教機會均衡;教學指令明確化,避免學生無所適從;預留任務準備時間,以利活動進行;語料過長或過難時可採分段式,以減輕學生壓力;熟悉教學環境之教具操作,以利活動進行;事前熟悉教學內容,充分備課以減少語言錯誤;教學時注意任務特性,避免走回傳統路線等。 最後,根據前述研究成果,提出建議,期能給未來有興趣從事任務型課堂教學教師之參考。


The research is task-based language teaching in novice-low Chinese class.Task-based activities help language teaching more communicative and practical while increasing the interest of learners. This research is based on action research to practice exploratory research. It is applied with video recording of teaching, teaching reflection, one by one interview and activities satisfaction questionnaire. This investigates the learners’ development of learning, the differences betwen the teaching design of the different topics and the teachers’ improvement in teaching. There are 16 research objects who are Vietnam students studying in classes lectured in Chinese. They are divided into 2 novice-low Chinese learning classes. Task- based language teaching is applied in classes with 4 units for 7 weeks. Each class is conducted for 50 minutes. Convenience Sampling is applied. Data collection and analysis are from 10 students among 16 research objects Research Result: 1. In general, Task-based language teaching increases the learners’ interest and their sense of accomplishment in learning. 2. The content of task-based language teaching is required to be interesting, open and practical and is combined with topics related to daily life that can increase the learners’ interest in learning. To be related to the life of learners, to be diverse and practical are the principle of teaching design with different topics. 3. Attention needs to be paid for task-based language teaching design: to provide adequate task-based activities, to simplified study goal, to design diverse activities, to simplified task-based activities procedure, to apply new word usage with targets, adequate, completed and easy supporting supplement, clear, understandable and precise worksheet. 4. Attention needs to be paid in task-based language teaching as the followings. To practice teaching before class for proper time management in the class, to allot tasks equally for the learners to practice equally, to dictate precisely for learners not to be confused, to reserve time for task preparation for conducting activities well. When the language date is too long or too difficult, to practice with paragraph reduces the learners’ pressure. To be familiar to the teaching aids to ease the activities conducting. To be familiar to the teaching materials with sufficient preparation before class reduce language mistakes. To focus on the characteristics of task-based language teaching avoids applying traditional teaching method. The purpose of this research is aimed to provide adequate suggestions which could be used for teachers interested in task- based language teaching in the future.


Nunan, D(1989). Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. U. K. :
