  • 學位論文


The Nonlinear Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridge

指導教授 : 鄭金國 黃仲偉


台灣目前絕大多數的橋梁因設計、施工年代久遠,因此並不滿足當下耐震設 計的相關規定。對於負責輸水管道的水管橋而言,因為其在都市災害風險管理中 扮演舉足輕重的角色,為確保民生用水無安全之虞,因此進行耐震詳細評估有其 必要性。本研究主旨是針對斜張水管橋進行耐震評估,依據不同橋梁部位進行不 同檢核。上部結構參考日本水道協會「水道施設耐震工法指針.解說」中的相關 規定進行水管橋上部結構的應力檢核,而下部結構則是利用改良式耐震評估法進 行整體橋梁耐震性能推估,並探討靜力非線性側推分析與動力非線性歷時分析對 於斜張橋此種特殊形式橋梁耐震評估的差異。研究結果顯示:垂直行車向增量動 力分析的結果介於均佈側推分析與質量側推分析之間;整體而言,以均佈側推進 行耐震評估可以得到較真實的耐震能力。而行車向不同形式側推分析所得之容量 曲線雖然趨於一致,但相較於增量動力分析所得之容量曲線皆有很大的差距。因 此對於特殊形式斜張橋,欲利用側推分析評估橋梁真實的耐震能力仍需進一步研 究。


Many bridges in Taiwan do not satisfy the latest seismic specifications because of design and construction ages. For pipeline bridges which are responsible for water supply and play crucial roles in city hazard risk measurements, it is necessary to carry out detail seismic assessments. The purposes of this research are to carry out seismic assessments for a cable-stayed pipeline bridge. Stress analyses for superstructures of the cable-stayed pipeline bridge are performed according to JWWA Guideline to and the Explanation of Seismic Construction Method of Water Supply Facilities. On the other hand, the seismic performances of substructures of the cable-stayed pipeline bridge are performed by the refined seismic assessments by pushover analyses. In addition, the differences between nonlinear static pushover analyses and incremental nonlinear dynamic time history analyses (IDA) are investigated. Numerical results demonstrated that the results of pushover analyses coincided with the results of IDA in the lateral direction. However, the pushover analyses resulted in more conservative seismic assessments than that of IDA.


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