  • 學位論文


Analysis and case study of the legislation of Multi-level Marketing Supervision Act

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


多層次傳銷管理法於2014年1月29日公布施行,主管機關公平交易委員會,於同年4月17日發布實施多層次傳銷管理法施行細則,對於管理多層次傳銷事業法制化,具有極大意義,本法涉及主管機關管理權限與多層次傳銷事業之經營,影響傳銷事業甚鉅。本文探討立法沿革與規範內容,以最新通過法律與細則辦法等為主要架構,研析相關管理法規內容與適用。關於實務案例研究,乃針對本法施行後,公平交易委員會對違反規定之傳銷事業與傳銷商所為之處分,除將案例類型化並加以統計分析,並選取代表性處分案例加以研究。 傳銷商收入來源應為推廣、銷售商品或服務為主,且須以合理市價為作為義務,不得以介紹他人參加為主要收入來源。本法第18條規定傳銷商加入傳銷組織時,不再以「給付一定代價」為要件,此為對傳銷事業管理制度的重大變革,影響傳銷契約之解除與終止,經營業者除須在傳銷行為重新擬定外,亦須在契約範本有所調整。 本次立法最大特色為「多層次傳銷保護機構」之設置,在立法草案中行政院版本,並無設此一機構構想,係在審議時由立法委員提案通過立法而設立。專責性質保護機構之成立,主要功能為調處爭議及代償制度,以期能快速排解紛爭,並使受害傳銷商能及時獲得損害賠償,本文列專章加以討論。


Multi-Level Marketing Supervision Act was promulgated and came into effect on January 29th 2014. In the same year, the competent authority-Fair Trade Commission promulgated and enforced Rules of Multi-Level Marketing Supervision Act on April 17th, which has great significance of the legalization of Multi-Level Marketing business. This Act states the jurisdiction of competent authority and the management of Multi-Level Marketing business and it has great impact on Multi-Level Marketing business. This paper discusses the evolution of legislation and normative content with latest law, rules, etc. being its main structure, analyzing the content of relevant regulation and its application. The study of practice cases focuses on the Multi-Level Marketing business and distributors who contravened Multi-Level Marketing Supervision Act after it came into effect and the punishment from Fair Trade Commission. Those cases are categorized; statistically analyzed and typical cases are selected for this study. The major sources of income for distributors should mainly come from promoting, selling products or service but not from introducing others to join the organization. Pursuant to Article 18 of this Law, “paying a certain price” is no longer the main factor for distributors to join the organization. This is a major change to the management system of Multi-Level Marketing business and it affects the cancellation and termination of Multi-Level Marketing contracts. The operators will need to amend the contract in addition to redefining the Multi-Level Marketing business. The most prominent feature of the legislation is the establishment of “Multi-Level Marketing Protective Agency”, which was not the idea in the draft legislation of Executive Yuan but upon examination by the legislators, they passed the bill and made it the law to establish the agency. The main function of establishing this protective agency is to mediate disputes and to have a compensation system in place, in the hope to settle the disputes in timely manners and to compensate suffered distributor. This paper has special chapter to discuss about it.


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